Well, you can check with Ann, but from what he's said, after his enlightenment 
he was very busy doing stuff and wasn't "immersed" in that language or those 
ideas. He was living them and didn't sit around pondering what was going on. It 
wasn't until he got involved with Catholicism years later that he had to think 
about where he was at and what it meant in order to reconcile Maharishi's 
teaching with Catholic teaching. And then when his group fell apart not long 
after that, of course he had to rethink everything.

 But my impression is that for some years he was just sailing along, doing what 
came naturally--as you say, putting one foot in front of the other. As far as 
he was concerned, his integration was complete.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Thanks for posting this. If Robin rebuked this, and was able to shed it after 
some years, it sounds like he didn't get very far, with his integration, of 
universal existence. Perhaps he got confused, being immersed in that sort of 
language, and those specific ideas, all the time, and was looking for a way to 
break the context of what he apparently felt trapped by. I don't know.

But, the experience of universal existence, when integrated, simply provides a 
full view, and experience of life, including what is known as death, and all 
that is beneath the obvious manifestation, commonly perceived by most of us. 
200% of life. It can be described beautifully, as Maharishi has done in the 
passage you quoted, but when it gets right down to it, life goes on by putting 
one foot in front of the other. 

Someone perceptive like Robin, no doubt began to glimpse the 100% of inner 
life, that is so well hidden these days, but without recognizing that such 
perception, only has value when it becomes a seamless component of life. Better 
luck on his next attempt. :-)

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 FWIW, Robin said this passage from Science of Being and the Art of Living 
perfectly described his experience of enlightenment:

 "The Lord speaks through him, the omnipresent cosmic life gains expression in 
his activity, the omniscient is expressed in the limitations of the man's 
individual personality, the cosmic intelligence finds expression in his 
individual mind, the thought of cosmic life is materialized in his process of 
thinking, the immutable silence of eternal Being finds expression in the man's 
thought, speech and action. The man's eyes behold the purpose of God, his ears 
hear the music of cosmic life, his hands hold onto cosmic intentions, his feet 
set the cosmic life in motion; he walks on earth, yet walks in the destiny of 
heaven; he sees, yet sees the glory of God; he hears, yet hears the silence; he 
speaks, yet speaks the word of God; he speaks, yet speaks the intention of God; 
he speaks and draws out the purpose of cosmic life; he speaks and gives 
expression to the cosmic purpose; he speaks yet his words speak eternal Being. 
The man is the living expression of the omnipresent, omniscient, cosmic 

"Here is he who can speak for God, here is he who can speak for the cosmic law, 
here is he who acts for God, here is the image of God on earth. His life is the 
stream of cosmic Being. His individual life stream is a tidal wave of the 
eternal ocean of cosmic Being, a wave which holds within itself the entire 
ocean of cosmic life. He is the expression of the inexpressible eternal Being. 
He moves in the ever immovable status of the Absolute; his activity of relative 
existence expresses the eternal silence of the Absolute. In the radiance of his 
relative life, the Absolute finds in him an expression of its Being. Angels and 
gods enjoy his being on earth, and the earth and heavens enjoy the existence of 
the bliss of eternal Being embodied in the form of man.

"The formless appears in form, the silence becomes vibrant, the inexpressible 
is expressed in a personality, and the cosmic life is breathed by the 

"This is how, when the breath of the individual becomes the impulse of eternal 
life, the individuality breathes universal existence, and then is gained the 
fulfillment of life."


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