On 2/15/2014 7:02 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:
And we don't hardly see the gold hats and robes around much outside of a small circle deep inside at the top.
Most people in Fairfield and in the TMO probably don't see very many of the MUM administrators, and probably only see and interact with a few instructors - if someone is enrolled in a course. So, I'd say that someone working on staff in the cafeteria a decade ago probably wouldn't be knowing very much about the coming-and-goings of anybody wearing a gold hat and a robe around Fairfield. Apparently "Michael H. Jackson" is an informant - a former "TM junkie who feels learning TM was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made." Go figure.

'Maharishi Marketing Time Line'
Posted by Laurie at 2/09/2014 12:40:00 PM

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