Salyavin, continuing in my same vein, I would say that if we hooked Dawkins up 
to an MRI machine, we'd see a very well developed part of the brain associated 
with logic. 

So, what is the force stronger than logic? Again, I think it's the human drive 
to be fully developed. I mean really fully and not just one time but on an 
ongoing basis. I think this is what drives both science and religion and every 
thing else too!

Everybody wants to be optimally happy which means optimally developed. As I 
said before, some people are simply better observers and concluders with 
regards to what actually produces these optimal results!

On Monday, February 17, 2014 9:46 AM, salyavin808 <> 
Behind with classical theism? Boy, that's a weird concept. I would say that all 
one needs to know about it is that it concerns a speculative set of theories 
about man and the universes origin. You don't have to get into the actual nitty 
gritty to know what they amount to - a way of looking at the world unencumbered 
by the need to provide evidence. To say they have been superceded by superior 
explanatory ideas is an understatement. You won't convince anyone who doesn't 
already want to believe it these days.

Yet still they persist. Which is maybe just as well, it would be a boring sort 
of world if Richard Dawkins had his way but there are stronger human forces 
than logic. 

Unless someone would care to enlighten me about something I missed?

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

You don't understand my definition, sorry. I keep being misled by how smart you 
are about other things, but you are so far behind and so resistant to learning 
anything about classical theism that I really don't know where to start 
explaining things to you.

One assumes Roberts is a New Atheist because they use his argument all the 
time, mistakenly thinking it's a real killer.

"Thou shalt have no other god but me" means, essentially, Thou shalt not 
believe in demiurges.

Judy is not correct because most religious types would not agree that her 
definition of their beliefs is accurate. 

How would you know Roberts is a "new" athiest if you don't know who he is?

"Thou shalt have no other god but me" Sound familiar? 

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:
>>Judy is correct. What Stephen Roberts (who he?) doesn't get is that "God" is 
>>not a proper name. The trouble with these new atheist types is that they have 
>>no sympathy for theology so completely misunderstand the language that 
>>theologians use.

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