Jesus, Huffpo will print any old crap. The Princeton consciousness research 
was abandoned because they couldn't show a result over the random background 
noise of world events after many years of trying. It only survives now through 
private donations. It's the old coin toss delusion, you get a positive result, 
say five heads in a row, and think you have found a non-random pattern 
obviously caused by the fact there was someone meditating in a nearby city. Do 
it enough times however and you find that it was just a blip that happens all 
the time anyway, do it enough and it ends up 50/50.

 I wrote to them asking whether they had registered any unusual activity during 
the Dubrovnik peace project and a few other big courses I took part in around 
the time of 9/11 and the war in Iraq. They said no, but they were fascinated 
that there were other groups interested in this stuff. You can be as fascinated 
as you like but their own research disproved the Marshy effect and here they 
are joining hands!

 So I dispute the idea there is a lot of research behind it, the only other one 
the TMO have is the Washington study which kind of relies on them knowing what 
the crime rate was going to be and then saying they reduced it. A quick glance 
at crime figures for that city (and any others) reveals that crime rates 
fluctuate by that much anyway over the year. Keep tossing the coin and you see 
that the ME has done jack shit, how many courses have I been on that were 
supposedly being monitored but the results never got released? Plenty. Nuff 
said, this excitement over a political upheaval is more arrows drawn round 

 I'd be more impressed if the crime rate dropped to an unambiguous zero, or 
revolutions were carried out without petrol bombs and people getting shot in 
the head. Is it peace or isn't it?

---In, <> wrote:

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