Yifuxero,  mySelf as an old and conservative experienced meditator I do 
appreciate your rendition here of spiritual history that delineates there at 
the Cathers. Same old and same old that we see even here on FFL of the ontology 
of the experiential Mystics versus spiritually ignorant materialists and the 
cycles of generational Spiritual Knowledge revived and Knowledge lost again to 
the small ego of ignorance and materialism. Graphing the revival of 
transcendentalism of spiritual experience of the Unified Field through this 
history makes for a profound reading of historic time-line.
 Have a really nice day in meditation today.
 After morning meditation I am to the Lyric in Chicago for some opera with a 
van-load of conservative meditators today,


 yifuxero writes:

 For diehard TM TB, sorry, but you're way off the mark when stating (like 
Deepak Chopra), that the "True" version of Christianity is basically the 
"Essence" or Gnostic version.  That is, that the "true" teachings of Jesus were 
essentially Gnostic (as in the Gospel of Thomas); but simply squashed out of 
existence with the final victory of the Papacy over any smidgeon of Gnosticism 
with the total defeat of the Cathars.
 Another cheap and dishonest trick of the MUM people and TM TB in general is 
cherry-picking certain statements from the Bible and simultaneously throwing 
out the offsetting commentaries.  For example, the statement attributed to 
Jesus "I and my Father are One"....from the MUM and Chopra pov is that the 
"One" is to be equated with MMY's "Unity".  But as the Bible clearly states 
after giving that verse, the "Oneness" is clearly defined as being one in 
INTENT, (to follow the Commandments, etc), not (as Judy pointed out); an 
ONTOLOGICAL UNION, with Jesus, which was regarded as heretical by some of the 
early Church "Fathers".  ....
 However, as the centuries rolled by beginning with the Monastic "Fathers of 
the Desert", there would be no way to experientially separate the traditional 
RC "Union'" with Ontological Union, and thus: the experiencer might find some 
conflict with the Papacy and being subject to persecution.  Certainly in Islam. 
 In the latter, saying that one is "ONE" with God would result in the worst of 
tortures.  (One Sufi was skinned alive for saying that).
 ...But as one progresses on the Spiritual journey, (so the autobiographies say 
- Cf. for example that of St. John of the Cross, a frequent levitator); the 
interface between dualistic devotion to Jesus and one's own realization of Self 
becomes all-encompassing and increasingly Transcendent in the Ontological 
sense. But examples of such Saints seem to be rare in my assessment. (offhand, 
I'd say that one might find more examples of genuine inclusion (both Essense - 
what one "IS", along with dualistic devotion to Jesus), than in RC.
 In fact, there is no provision WHATSOEVER  modern (post Thomas Aquinas) RC 
teachings for Self-Realization (Gnosis), along with devotion in any form.  
However, if you read the works of St. John of the Cross, you'll see that 
indeed; some rare Saints accomplished the goal of ecstatic devotion to Jesus 
along with (perhaps in spite of their "efforts", realizing the Self - perhaps 
MMY's "Unity".
 Finally, the term "Union" in RC has evolved into a state recorded in the 
statements of the RC Saints as a relative type of "union", but not Ontological 
(refering to what MMY calls "Being").
 ...Sorry MZ (RWC)...but St. Thomas Aquinas attempted to theologically bridge 
the gap between dualistic devotion to Jesus AND Aristotle's (BEING-IN-ITSELF), 
but failed to do so since in the ensuing centuries, his version of Catholicism 
as (by now); been rejected in the official teachings.  The bottom line: from 
the mouth of the previous Pope: there is no interface in any way, shape, or 
form between the official teachings of RC and the doctrine of ontological 
Essence.  Thus, the Buddhist/Hindu concepts, along with Gnosticsm in general; 
are heretical and cannot be reconciled doctrinally with RC.
 Unfortunately, various isolated mystics throughout history such as St. John of 
the Cross and (probably) may Orthodox Saints); have given us records of their 
experiences describing a genuine "Union" of the Ontological type AND the 
dualistic devotion to Jesus.  As described by St. John of the Cross, a point of 
purification (again in his Catholic sense); comes when the dualistic aspect is 
Transcended in genuine ontological Union, but not implying that devotion to 
Jesus is "given up".  Apparently, the dualistic part is simply transcended..
 ...Recall that Ramana Maharshi was still devoted to "Arunachala Shiva" even 
after he realized the Self.
 But such a merging of the Self in an all encompassing state along with 
dualistic devotion is something I can only speculate on after reading the 
testimonies of the great Saints, from East and West. (but ymmv).
 Finally, the term "Ecstasy" in RC theology refers to a state in which the 
experiencer to outward appearances appears unconscious or even dead, while the 
"Soul" (finer body) travels into Heaven or Purgatory to rescue the Souls there. 
 In many cases, the term "Ecstasy"  may be inclusive of bilocation to distant 
places and to a common property:  physical levitation. The Ecstatic experiences 
of St. Catharine of Genoa included travels to Purgatory to assist the Souls 
there in getting out of that domain and into the Christian Heaven..



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