There is difference between Theology and Theism.

Theology is study of religions.  Theism is study on the 
existence of God.  In Cudworth's definition, they are 
"strictly and properly called Theists, who affirm, that a 
perfectly conscious understanding being, or mind, existing 
of itself from eternity, was the cause of all other things"

Deism, on the other hand, encompasses both the approaches 
that you mentioned, the top-down and bottom-up approach.
Perhaps, both the approaches are partly involved.

This "intelligence" which John mentions is an automated, 
mechanical, impersonal intelligence.

There are basicaly two types of Gods. The personal god, of 
Abraham, and the impersonal God, Spinoza type God.

The impersonalistic theists may not have too much problems 
with it.  This sure is a problem for the personalistic 

> --- anartaxius <anartaxius@...> wrote:
 > This argument originated with Epicurus (341–271 BCE), and the exposition 
 > below is a more modern form of it.

> (P1) If God exists, then only God, necessary things, and things necessarily 
> coexisting with God exist prior to an initial creation event.
(P2) There are no necessary things, or things necessarily coexisting with God, 
that are evil.
(P3) If God exists, then the world consists of the highest level of goodness 
prior to an initial creation event. (from P1 & P2)
(P4) If the world consists of the highest level of goodness prior to an initial 
creation event, then nothing that comes about from an initial creation event 
can make the world better.
(P5) If nothing that comes about from an initial creation event can make the 
world better, then there is no initially created evil or initially created 
thing that could produce evil that can make the world better.
(P6) If there is no initially created evil or initially created thing that 
could produce evil that can make the world better, then God will not initially 
create any evil or anything that could produce evil.
(P7) If God exists, then he will not initially create any evil or anything that 
could produce evil. (from P3-P6)
(P8) If (a) God exists, (b) the world consists of the highest level of goodness 
prior to an initial creation event, and (c) God will not initially create any 
evil or anything that could produce evil, then God will never create any evil 
or anything that could produce evil.
(P9) If God exists, then he will never create any evil or anything that could 
produce evil. (from P3, P7, & P8)
(P10) If God exists, then there is no evil in the world. (from P1, P2, & P9)
(P11) There is evil in the world.
(C) Therefore, God does not exist. (from P10 & P11)

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