noozguru, in the early 60s at my all girls Catholic high school, we had 
something called "survival kits" in our lockers, basically a box full of candy, 
if I remember correctly which I probably don't (-:

On Sunday, March 16, 2014 2:55 PM, Bhairitu <> wrote:
Back in the 1950s we had "duck and cover" PSAs and folks building bunkers.  
Then I lived a short distance from a major target.  I watched high school girls 
(and some boys) cry in October 1962 when they thought the end was coming 
(little did they know the USSR was already bankrupt).  

Nowadays we have "Doomsday Preppers" on the NatGeo channel with
      some fairly good ideas from folks who have prepared.  In my area
      these aren't scoffed at so much because even the state guvmint
      suggests we be prepared for a BIG earthquake and the shaking off
      the coast the other day got them reiterating this again.

On 03/16/2014 12:36 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

>They had a debate on TV after the Threads movie was shown and the defence 
>secretary, Michael Heseltine was livid. They were a bit embarrassed that they 
>didn't have any civil defence plans beyond putting a bag over your head and 
>hiding under tables. 
>They produced a leaflet called "protect and survive" full of tips about 
>surviving the post apocalypse nightmare but it just made people even more 
>scared LOL! I guess there's no smiley face you can put on nuclear war...
>---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :
>Thanks for the background info.  The modern version of it is the movie I 
>mentioned the other day "How I Live Now".
>Thanks, I'm going to check it out. I always like apocalypse stories, the end 
>of the world is a rich potential source of drama but few ever go there.
>Speaking of o' Rupert here's what he tweeted today
                  regarding the
                  missing airliner:
>He might be right about that one thing anyway. I've been worrying that it's 
>being filled with explosives or worse for the next Al-Queda extravaganza. Soon 
>find out I guess....
>On 03/16/2014 10:04 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
>>Gosh, I remember that! It really caused a stir, the government were hopping 
>>mad about it and gave them more of an excuse to hate the BBC for it's alleged 
>>left-wing bias. Which is a bullshit accusation, they just wanted Murdoch to 
>>be the main provider of bullshit in the UK and successive governments have 
>>supported this in return for favourable coverage from his tawdry rags. But 
>>the phone hacking scandal emerged just in time to send Murdoch back to the 
>>USA with his tail between his legs and before he could start a Fox style UK 
>>news channel. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
>>Good film though. It's lucky we averted a nuclear war I think, I doubt I 
>>would have enjoyed it much apart from the initial photo opportunities.
>>---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :
>>A grim reminder of what nuclear war could be like with this 1984 BBC produced 
>>On 03/15/2014 09:02 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>>On 3/15/2014 7:28 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>>>> He won't have any problem converting
                              to yuan
                              and the EU wants 
>>>> his natural gas so they won't cut him
                              from the
>>>Or, Putin may bring down the yuan with him
                              there's no
                              way either will 
>>>survive economic sanctions, if enforced to

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