On Oct 18, 2005, at 2:04 AM, peterklutz wrote:

Moreover, Christ was not a 'bourgeoiuse revolutionary' or PhD that
changed side - but a salt-of-the-earth working man.

You've got to be kidding. Let's see, he was supposedly a direct descendant of David, the most exalted lineage in ancient Israel. He received the best education of the time, learning Scripture at a very young age, younger than most, and continuing throughout the rest of his life. Then, while there is a large gap when it is not clear what he was doing, there is no evidence that his situation at that point was anything comparable to working-class. I would say "bourgeois revolutionary" pretty much sums it up.

It would be like your small town car-mechanic, grease on his hands and
all, stepped out of his garage and started to do these things and
perform those miracles..


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