Not if you ask my daughter...Hey, Ann, I recall hearing, years ago, that those 
doing TM had a physiological age 7 years younger than their physical age, and 
for TMSP it was 11 years, I think. I am regularly mistaken for someone in his 
40's, although I turn 60 in just a few months. I never feel my age, physically, 
and do not take particularly good care of myself, in order to achieve that - 
lol. Genetics play a part, but doing all that TM definitely changes the body to 
something less coarse, less susceptible to aging and stress, in general.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

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