On Oct 18, 2005, at 3:12 PM, markmeredith2002 wrote:

A more useful discussion I think is the spiritual, mental, emotional

and physical effect of long term shakti stimulation that goes on

during YFing.  My current view is that short term it can break some

rigid boundaries in all those areas for the good, but long term it

causes too many imbalances, and that explains the pitiful condition of

so many people you see in the domes.  What I've learnt thru some other

spiritual-physical practices is that integration of shakti or chi is

what's important and it doesn't seem to me that enough emphasis is put

on how to integrate the energy flow in the tm-sidhis program.

I believe this is a valid observation. There a number of prerequisites for levitation to occur, but even with those aside, if one hasn't balanced the elements internally, eventually you will pay the price. Yogis who practice prana-nadi-bindu, the yoga of prana, the conduits and the vital drops, call it a "sharp" path since it can really do harm if it is practiced incorrectly.

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