Judy, you're showing some creativity we haven't seen from you in some time.  I 
applaud it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 I think a brand-new genus has been created to classify Share and Steve: 


 Now now Share, watch that ego of yours...."thinking" *you* know how Judy feels 
"way, way WAY down deep inside" is a bit arrogant, no?  You ain't that good, 
sweet pea.   

 Steve, I think way down deep inside, Judy really does appreciate it. Way, way, 
WAY down deep inside...

 On Monday, March 24, 2014 8:29 PM, "steve.sundur@..." <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
   Share, you are wonderful!  This post is so funny. You've run circles around 
this Judy. Too bad she's not able to appreciate it.  I do!


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Judy, first of all, I have no idea when turq realized his mistake. Neither do 
you. Secondly, I wouldn't call it demonizing. Thirdly, why should I correct 
when the Corrector is on the scene?! Fourth, I hope you had a good vomit. 
Fifth, turq can be really awful a lot of the times, but he also seems to really 
care about what he cares about. Sixth, in this day and age of people like Kim 
Kardashian, I'd be horrified if I won any popularity contest! Go figure!

 On Monday, March 24, 2014 1:59 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   But you weren't going to correct him, even though he keeps using the quote 
to demonize DoctorDumbass.

 Protect Barry at all costs, even if someone else gets unfairly slimed. Do your 
damndest to rescue poor Barrykins if he gets caught.
Such integrity, Share. How much does that up your score in the FFL popularity 
contest, do you think?

 Do you think Barry will acknowledge his mistake? Will he apologize to DoctorD?

 Go figure indeed. Excuse me while I go throw up.


 Duh! Judy, I figured all along that the longer quote was actually from Chopra 
because it was so different from the short, generated quotes. I figured turq 
made a mistake. Even nice people make mistakes sometimes. Go figure!


 On Monday, March 24, 2014 1:30 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Well, whaddya know, Barry's been trying to pull a fast one on us with that 
Chopra quote all along.

 It wasn't generated by the robot program after all. It's a genuine Chopra 
quote from an audiotape he made called "Seeing Through the Mask of Matter." The 
whole tape is transcribed here:


 Do a text search on the page for the quote:

 “You are not looking at the field in every wave and particle, the field is 
your extended body….you are a local concentration of information and energy in 
the wholeness that is the body of the universe.”

 So...you can make fun of the quote on its own terms if you like, but you can't 
make fun of DoctorDumbass for not knowing it was from the robot site, because 
it wasn't. Barry's been telling a whopping falsehood for the purpose of 
demonizing DoctorDumbass.

 Such a nice man, that Barry. Don't you think so, Share?



 That he finds the Chopra quote thing so decisive with regard to your state of 
consciousness is, to say the least, revealing of the...uh...depth of his 


 Seriously, I have nothing to learn from you. I find you badly out of touch 
with your emotions, and negatively compensating for a host of past issues. When 
you catch up to the present, I may listen, but I see no evidence of that ever 
happening. Dream on.


 I wouldn't say that, Jimbo. After all, it took me to point out that the quote 
you read here attributed to Deepak Chopra, and which you thought was so wise, 
was really written by a robot program that does nothing more than string 
together buzzwords and phrases from his previous tweets and writings, at 
Seems to me that's quite a failing in someone who claims to be "enlightened."

 But don't worry...I won't charge you anything for teaching you this. It's just 
what those of us who can tell shit from shinola do for those who...uh...can't.  






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