On 3/28/2014 8:20 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> The first of these "lies" or deceptions about Transcendental 
> Meditation (TM) that I'd like to talk about is the idea of 
> effortlessness. It is often claimed that TM is "effortless" and that 
> this somehow makes it superior to other forms of meditation that are 
> not effortless and often (according to TM Org dogma) involve "straining".
So, let's review what we know:

According to MMY, the practice of basic TM is "effortless", or as near 
effortless as anything can be. TM practice is based on thinking - 
there's probably not a person on the planet that can't think. It's just 
natural to think thoughts, without even trying - thoughts just come. In 
TM practice you sit down and close your eyes and think the mantra, just 
like any other thought. It's almost effortless, as anyone who has 
learned TM can tell you.

In fact, it's so simple that you have to almost invent things to object 
to - like to nitpick about TM being effortless. Go figure.

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