This same thing of some bad behavior of some plagued the early Mormon movement 
when they showed up on the frontier in Illinois at Nauvoo to settle and build 
their Shining City on the Hill overlooking the Mississippi River. Well, not 
wishing to distract from the central subject of this here subject thread but; 
there were some Mormon people in their larger community who were real 
operators. Swindlers of locals and farmers in business dealings, stealing 
horses and such too. Bad people. Word spread about "the Mormons" hold up there 
in Nauvoo. That reputation generated by a few really bad ones was put on the 
larger group of Mormons and subsequently was part of what came along in to a 
frontier justice served them that was the demise of Joseph Smith and resulted 
in a negotiated removal of Mormons generally from Illinois then for their own 
safety because the State could not guarantee their safety at the time. The bad 
behavior of a few. .  [Not that the locals then did not have some of their own 
bad ones too, as like even in Fairfield today.]

 Bad socialization in an upbringing can be seen anywhere in a people at any 
station. Evidently even in thel growing illumined. There is certainly Nature 
and there is certainly nurture in any person. People are born in to the temple 
as the human nervous system that comes with some manufactured standard 
equipment [OEM] like consciousness, egos, mind, heart and intellect. And then 
there are the families and communities they are born in to. We should not 
overlook the significance of poor to middling upbringings of some of those even 
in the TM movement to explain some of their behavior aside from some factors 
around illumination on a scale of consciousness.

 Yep, actually Dr. David Hawkins the late great Western sage had a lot to say 
about this thing of ethical behavior and consciousness too. I feel MJ here is 
making way to much of a fuss about all this stuff in the past. Seems like 
abnormal fussiness. Evidently as with any socio-pathology the thing to do to 
protect a community or any organization from bad behavior is to have metrics 
for performance to judge people by. Aside from norms the science seems to say 
that the sociopaths show themselves for who they are when there are standards 
of performance.  That is good information in getting along: groups and 
organizations beware and protect yourselves accordingly,  -Buck

 turquoiseb writes:

 That was probably the problem with the rioting pandits, too...their 
upbringing. Nothing to do with TM at all...

 Actually the attorneys general protecting the general public have put most the 
crooked community meditators out of business either in to jail or barred from 
at least security business, some barred for life. It is not that these 
bad-minded ones were meditators but much more likely examples of asocial 
bad-upbringing. Much more likely they were victim of their poor upbringings 
from where ever they came from. Those crooked while certainly part of the old 
story of Fairfield, Iowa hardly represent the larger good of the meditating 
community of Fairfield, Iowa.

 Om, just to be a little more accurate about some things mentioned below for 
any outsiders looking in, it was [International Trading Group] ITG churning 
accounts with made up information that the SEC sanctioned. Telegroup was taking 
in good people's money from the community at their front door while loading it 
out the back door as they were filing for bankruptcy. Beckley's and his people 
was a different route of consumer fraud played on people.

 Yes, and thanks be to the Unified Field for the States Attorneys Generals out 
there doing the good work of protecting us all as the larger and civic 
[meditating] community from bad people doing bad things. -Buck

 Mjackson74 writes:
 I'd just as soon "invest" my money with Ed Beckley.
 There have been a bunch of them there in Fairfield, haven't there? My favorite 
TM business scam story to date is one that someone shared here right after I 
first began posting on FFL about the Movement asking for "investors" to create 
an ayurvedic clinic there in Fairfield and the investors would get their money 
back, plus profit sharing and discounts on products and services - and the 
minute the Movement had the money the immediately reneged on the deal, saying 
all the "investors" would be re-payed only with the discounts - no profits, no 
return of initial investments, nothing! My favorite!

 Duveyoung writes:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

 Telegroup?  I would think they'd be
 ashamed to even mention the name.  Crooks, liars and
 thieves sure love to do highfalutin' sounding 

 Is this another one? 
 Sorry guys, maybe your intents are pure, but look at the
 track history of "faith-based" businesses in
 Fairfield -- if you're not going to address all the
 failures -- especially of the businesses that seemingly toed
 the movement line, then, hey, you're just bullshitting
 How'z about someone in this new group explains how
 USAGlobalLink failed, or how it was okay for Kaplan to
 "steal" the business of Reading's Fun from a
 former partner or how Telegroup [ITG] "just made up their
 advice" to their customers in order to churn the
 BAH!  . . . 

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