From: Bhairitu <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

Oprah will be showing a segment about our very own Fairfield Life 
including interviews with Rick, Alex and other locals including Share, 
Doug and Feste.

If true, I guess this would put the lie to the "no lurkers" theory. :-)
After all, where would you go if you were interested in getting the whole story 
about a group that has been accused of being somewhat cult-like? Only to the 
"controlled speech" sites related to the group, or to some of the "free speech" 
sites related to the group as well? Reporters have, after all, been haunting 
the anti-Scientology sites for years hoping for leads for their exposes. 
I think it's kinda cool, actually, one of those benefits that the Internet has 
brought to us. There was a time before the Net when spin-meisters and spiritual 
fascists could effectively derail any criticism by making it appear to 

Not as easy in this new "tell all" age. 

On the other hand, I'm fairly convinced this is an April Fools joke from 
Bhairitu.  :-)

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