Hilarious. Hope you have a super day!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

It occurs to me, sipping my coffee on the outdoor patio of Bad Habits, enjoying 
the almost-sunshine of a Dutch Saturday morning in April, that a lot of people 
seem to only focus on the flashy siddhis, and the equally flashy saints and 
teachers who manifested them. This strikes me as patently unfair, because there 
are any number of less flashy but equally praiseworthy siddhis out there, and 
Fairfield Life -- composed as it is of long-term seekers who have at the very 
least a black belt in seeking -- contains any number of masters of these lesser 

Thus I propose to...uh...extend the TM puja and its offerings to the more 
well-known masters of the Holy Tradition, and include offerings to more modern 
masters of that lineage. So here, off the top of my head, are my proposed puja 
extensions. You tack them on at the end of the current set of offerings. 

[ If I left you out, its either because I really am doing this off the top of 
my head and didn't remember you, or because you don't really matter. Your call. 

* Offering a Finnish-Dothraki phrasebook to the lotus feet of Sri Cardemeister, 
who manifested the siddhi of knowing more languages than God. 

* Offering a stuffed Minion figure to the lotus feet of Sri Share, for 
manifesting the siddhi of never being afraid to...uh...share. 

* Offering a pair of vintage nose glasses to the lotus feet of Sri Merudanda, 
who manifested the siddhi of being able to have fun with pretty much 
everything, be it On The Program, or Off. 

* Offering a shiny, black Mind Police uniform to the lotus feet of Sri Buck, 
for manifesting the siddhi of Just Being Buck. 

* Offering a Netflix gift certificate to the lotus feet of Sri Bhairitu, who 
manifested the compassion siddhi of seeing virtue in zombies. 

* Offering a can of Maharishi Brand Vedic Sunshine to the lotus feet of Sri 
SallySunshine, for manifesting the siddhi of laughing one's tormentors into 
fits of apoplexy. 

* Offering a cup of tea and a biscuit to the lotus feet of Sri Salyavin, who 
manifested the siddhi of reminding people why the best masters of the barbed 
epigram are all English. 

* Offering a fake ZZ Top beard and a six-pack of Lone Star to the lotus feet of 
Sri Richard, for manifesting the siddhi of exemplifying being from Texas, where 
the men are men and the prairie dogs are nervous. 

* Offering an appropriate Ayurvedic gemstone to the lotus feet of Sri JR, who 
manifested the all-important siddhi of stating the obvious. 

* Offering Lady Gaga tickets to the lotus feet of Sri Robin, for manifesting 
the siddhi of self promotion.

* Offering a new Dior gown and Luboton high heels to the lotus feet of Sri 
DoctorD, who so ably manifested the siddhi of remaining humble while being so 
much more evolved than everyone else. 

* Offering a holiday in the Greek Isles to the lotus feet of Sri Anartaxius, 
for manifesting the siddhi of being able to talk about states of consciousness 
as if he had actually experienced them and they weren't that big a deal. 

* Offering an RC Cola and a moon pie to the lotus feet of Sri Michael, who 
manifested the siddhi of exemplifying the principle of Illegitimi non 

* Offering a set of gold lame fingerless gloves to the lotus feet of Sri Emily, 
for manifesting the siddhi of picking up after one's dog.

* Offering a stainless steel shit shovel to the lotus feet of Sri Steve, who 
manifested the siddhi of never being afraid to call bullshit, wherever he saw 

* Offering a new headset to the lotus feet of Sri Rick, for manifesting the 
siddhi of infinite patience by sitting through interviews in which dozens of 
selfless beings talked about themselves. 

* Offering a new washing machine to the lotus feet of Sri Alex, who manifested 
the siddhi of retaining his sense of humor about It All despite having to be a 
moderator at FFL.

* Offering a John Birch toilet seat to the lotus feet of Sri Mike, for 
manifesting the siddhi of having execrable politics but being occasionally so 
funny one could overlook it. 

* Offering a real vehicle to the lotus feet of Sri Edg, for attempting and 
almost mastering the siddhi of retaining one's dignity while riding a Trike. 

* Offering a vintage Segovia album to the lotus feet of Sri Lawson, who 
manifested the siddhi of being able to produce a scientific study to prove 
almost anything. 

* Offering a signed photo of Maitreya to the lotus feet of Sri Nablus, who 
manifested the siddhi of being proud of believing things that most people on 
Earth would be ashamed to admit believing. 

* Offering a ukelele once used by Jimi Hendrix to play a Hawaiian version of 
"Voodoo Child" to the lotus feet of Sri Vaj, who manifested the siddhi of 
knowing when to fold 'em. 

* Offering a Dallas Cheerleader pom-pom to the lotus feet of Sri Curtis, who 
manifested the siddhi of being liked no matter how many people tried to make 
others not like him.

* Offering a can of Sex Wax to the lotus feet of Sri Marek, who manifested the 
siddhi of being able to interpret almost anything as a metaphor for surfing. 
Oh. Wait. That's not a siddhi at all. That's reality. Never mind. 

* Offering an Honorary Rakshasa badge to the lotus feet of Sri Barry, who 
manifested the siddhi of always being a pain in the ass, always being a liar, 
and always being WRONG. It must have been him who slipped in that verse about 

* Offering a ticket to the opera to the lotus feet of Sri Judith, who so 
perfectly manifested the combined siddhis of always knowing what other people 
were thinking and exactly what they "know," of always being right, and 
(appropriately) of always being able to get in the "last word." 

Jai Guru Dev



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