On 4/6/2014 10:41 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
So Marshy never made a pass at Mia Farrow because you don't like John Lennon. Go figure.
According to Mia Farrow, MMY did not rape her, so I guess that makes John Lennon a liar. Go figure.

It looks like MMY threw the Beatles out for taking illegal drugs that they smuggled into the compound and for sleeping with other female students and neglecting their own wives. Apparently MMY didn't approve of drug taking and the mixing of the sexes while at the yoga camp. It's complicated.

According to Albert Goldman, in his book "Lennon", John was really into drug taking - weed, pot, hash, ganja, LSD, and later methedrine and heroin - all kinds of tranquilizers, pep pills, uppers and downers, and lots of booze and tobacco. Apparently John was really screwed up on drugs.

According to Cynthia Lennon in her book "A Twist of Lennon", the John left Rishikesh in a huff. Nancy Cooke de Herrera, in her book "Beyond Gurus", says that Paul was upset because he wanted to have sex with Jane Asher in his room, so that's why he left the retreat. Chopra says John was upset because the Maharishi told him he couldn't do drugs while on TTC. So, John left his wife Cynthia and his son for Yoko, and then made up a big fib about Maharishi having raped Mia. Go figure.

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