Sem is a murderer de facto. He's just not a murderer de jure, i.e., not legally 
guilty of murder. So of course there's no contradiction there. 

 I'm not sure how Feste could "catch," without having read the book, that Sem 
is "boasting" about anything other than, perhaps, his apparent recovery from 
paranoid schizophrenia (for which, I should think, one would want to 
congratulate him).

 Any ideas, Share? Or should we just ignore your "Good catch" comment as your 
usual pandering?

 Do you plan to buy the book and read it, BTW?

 Feste, if you were concerned that Sem is going to make pots and pots of money 
off the book, you can relax. He published it himself through Amazon's 
CreateSpace (which runs off one copy at a time as the book is ordered). Given 
its sales there to date, it doesn't look like it's going to make a big profit 
(and he had to pay for an editor and then a press agent). Also, one of the 
three Amazon reader reviewers apparently knows Sem and tells us that he doesn't 
charge for speaking to various groups, so he's not making any money there 

 If anyone is interested, you can read the first chapter on Amazon's Web site 
(or download it to your Kindle) by going to the Kindle page for the book:


 The first chapter is just background about his childhood, nothing juicy.

 Good catch, feste, that bit about Sem now seeming to boast about being a 
murderer when he was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. I guess 
he really wants his book to be a bestseller which is understandable. But 

 This whole tragic incident was discussed extensively on FFL at the time it 
happened. I never heard the phrase "The Maharishi Murderer." I think Sem has 
just made it up to get publicity for his book. I also find it regrettable that 
he uses the word "murder" in the title. It's as if he is laughing at the 
justice system. After all, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity, but 
now he wants to boast about being a murderer. Disgusting.


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