Yes, but even so, that break between thoughts can still be there. The ultimate 
meditation is when you have no thoughts, no mantra for the entire period and 
never leave the PC again. 

 Plenty of people have self-during-meditation at all times in meditation 
practices. That's no big deal. 


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 M said on my Age of Enlightenmnet course that no mantra , no thoughts 
transcending was just in the *beginning days* of meditation. That as one 
developes, one would experience a combination of silence or stillness 
underlying thoughts and mantra indicating the developement of CC, transcendence 
and activity(mental) at the same time. Transendental awareness can be 
experienced as *flat* or with that bubbling laughter like bliss
 On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 1:30 PM, wgm4u <> wrote:

 People who think they are transcending to pure consciousness during TM are 
merely parroting the TM movement jargon! No mantra, no thoughts? Pure 
Consciousness?? doubtful! like MMY used to say in the beginning 7 steps, 
" know it's a house, not a tree", that typifies most people's 
experience, it's just a distant glimpse, if you're lucky, which is good, but 
not pure Sat-Chit-Ananda.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Depends on the individual, Billy.  We have folks here who claim they never got 
a buzz off performing the puja.  It makes me wonder if they even got a "buzz" 
off doing TM.  Maybe they were just there for the party.
 I certainly got a buzz off the puja and also some good meditations with TM. 
But I also had kundalini rise the first time I tried to meditate from 
instructions in a book some 3 years prior to learning TM.
 Bliss consciousness is shakti and very nice.  Thick and creamy is the best 
kind.  Comes in the tantra bottle. ;-) 
 On 04/15/2014 10:04 AM, wgm4u wrote:

 All that would all be true IF TM'ers actually *transcended to pure 
consciousness* which most don't, IMHO. Pure consciousness is a state of pure 
**bliss** consciousness;  no thought, no mantra and no bliss?,  equals NO pure 
consciousness! Most transcend a little and that's good, but let's not over 
exaggerate here, like MMY did over and over again!
 ---In, wrote :
 Back to the basics:




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