Yes that evidently goes back to the possible range of human behavior, including 
the NPD'ed. The so-called charismatic preacher could be a good example of that 
too. I feel Weber's more scholarly definition is better for our larger purposes 
of spiritual discussion here. It is more inclusive of what we see as spiritual 
saints, leaders and teachers spiritually than the image of some theatrical 
style of preaching. Weber's definition of charismatic better takes into account 
a scale of field affect ranging from a NPD preacher, Turqb's plumber or to the 
jagad caliber saint we also know. 
 That range all got rendered down a while ago here,


 sharelong60 writes:

 Buck, when I think of charismatic I think of fire and brimstone preachers, 
etc. Maharishi spoke the plain truth and did not need such theatrics imo. He 
was a true leader in that sense.

 On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 6:20 AM, Buck wrote:
   Jeezus X-mas, Not at all Charismatic? You evidently did not get to spend 
much time around Maharishi.
 That's a pity.

 This is a good working definition of charismatic .. .

 "Weber, in an oft quoted passage, defined charisma as a certain quality of an 
individual personality, by virtue of which [s/]he is set apart from ordinary 
[people] and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least 
specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These are such as are not 
accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as 
exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a 
leader." 1

 By experience,
 -U.S. Buck in the Dome


 .. .sharelong60 asserts:

 Thanks, Nablusoss, wonderful to hear Maharishi who's not at all charismatic. 
And I mean that as a great compliment. I think he doesn't have to be because 
he's speaking the plain truth.
 On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 2:22 AM, nablusoss1008 <> 




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