---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?
   Science ain't gonna find it. It's transcendent to the four known forces of 
nature, ontologically prior to them (and to everything else in the universe). 

 LOL, what does that even mean! Nothing at all.

 No, it does mean something, it means someone wants to have their cake and eat 
it. A god to worship but no way of ever proving it - just claim it can't be 
measured. Well, maybe it's there and you can't measure it but it isn't doing 
anything to help or explain so.....groundhog day.


 This why Hawking thinks philosophy is dead, they just aren't engaging with the 
current paradigm which is proving to be rather successful. What we need is the 
will to find out, not hide behind unprovable arguments.  

You mean unprovable arguments like "metaphysical ultimacy?" I'm sorry, but that 
strikes me as a made-up phrase designed to dazzle with bullshit rather than say 
anything. It's like using the term Equus monoclonius to refer to a unicorn. It 
makes it sound more impressive, while ignoring the fact that unicorns don't 
exist. Obviously, some people are more easily dazzled by bullshit than others. 


 The only way this idea is going to survive is if there isn't anyway everything 
could have got here without some sort of ontological transcendent intelligence. 
You won't convince anyone about undetectable gods without necessity. Until then 
we can project what whatever we like onto the universe. It wouldn't be the 
first time!

 Again, speaking just for myself, I have no problem with people believing in 
unicorns, or in God. It's when they attempt to waste my time by getting me to 
argue about either mythical beast's existence that I cry bullshit. 


 Cry baby. By the way, no one is talking to you therefore no one is trying to 
get you to argue or to convince you of anything with regard to God (or unicorns 
for that matter). Stop taking it so personally - you are hardly the center of 
the Universe except the one of your own making.

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