From: "" <>

Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Now Playing

Thanks for the Bo Diddley post Barry. He would have been a man to see live that 
is for sure. Sorry I missed him. He drips improvisation. 

That really was it, Curtis. He was as "in the moment" as any great performer 
I've ever seen. I have heard tales that he was not always as gracious and as 
cool onstage as he was when I saw him (he had a rep for spitting on white folks 
in the first few rows during his angry young days), but he certainly was when I 
saw him. And the man was FUNNY! He'd ad-lib, and then he'd do hilarious stuff 
like taking one of his own classic songs -- which are, after all, the Vedas of 
rock 'n roll -- and then do a version of them as would be performed by a Las 
Vegas lounge singer. I was literally on the floor laughing.

What is so cool about him for me is how he was using international rhythms in 
his music and expanding early rock's influences. He made me rethink how much 
liberty I can take with combining rhythms in my own work. It is all connected 
to the New Orleans gumbo of influences I am studying in Professor Longhair's 
piano style.

Great clip too!

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