
On 6/5/2014 1:59 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Just for fun, does anyone remember how I've characterized Judy as a "Robin cultist" in the past, lurking in the background just waiting for his name to come up again so that she can preach his virtues to people she's trying to "convert?" Well, she's finally progressed to "playing tapes" by him, posting links to his "greatest hits," and then, when people don't respond the way she wants them to, berating them for "not bothering to reread" them.

Might I point out that she's doing the same thing with Robin that she does with that *other* spiritual teacher she never met (Maharishi), and posting a set of quotes, then declaring that she "knows" what they mean and how important they are, whereas other people don't. Same cultist, different cult.

I am as uninterested in Robin Carlsen now as I was when he was here in person, as opposed to being present in absentia, having his virtues preached by one of his groupies. One of the reasons for this is that -- unlike Judy -- I place very little value on what a person SAYS. I assess them based on what they DO. In this assessment, as I remember it, I was joined by a number of people who were briefly part of Robin's cult back in the day, and who participated on FFL for a short while. Again, as I remember it, *with only one exception* (Ann) not one of them believed that Robin had "changed" in any significant way since the days they were involved with him. They looked at what he wrote on FFL, and how he treated people on FFL, and saw the same narcissism and the same abusive control freak they'd seen "back in the day." And they said so.

I tended to agree with them. I wrote Robin off as uninteresting after his first few "wall of words" posts. Then again, I have had the benefit of many discussions with a person who was a veritable expert on Narcissistic Personality Disorder back in Santa Fe, and thus recognized the NPD profile immediately. I had nothing to compare with from the past, but his *present* behaviors on FFL pretty much *screamed* classic NPD, and these present-day behaviors did not seem to differ significantly from any of the stories posted of his behaviors in the past.

So I stand now on the assessment I made back then. In my OPINION, I agree with Lawson -- Robin was never enlightened. The subjective experiences that he talked about were in my opinion the result of a bad "drug cocktail," consisting of the combination of lifelong, well-established Narcissistic Personality Disorder enhanced by the psychotropic effects of "long rounding." He had a few minor experiences, and being the narcissist he was, *projected onto them* the highest state he'd been told about by Maharishi -- Unity. From the little I read of his narcisso-rants, *few to none of them* ever coincided with Maharishi's descriptions of what perception would actually be like from the state of Unity. They were pretty much all from the point of view of Robin's Ego, and the world he saw around him was all merely a reflection of Robin's Ego. That's NPD, not Unity.

All of this said, I certainly don't mind if people here continue to discuss him as if he were worth their time. It's their time -- and life -- to waste, if they get off on that sorta thing. But assuming that Lawson *didn't* bother to go back and read the "homework" Judy assigned to him in her attempts to convert him, I will be joining him in this approach in the future. I perceived Robin's writings here -- both past and present -- as complete ego-rants steeped in narcissism and devoid of any value, spiritual or otherwise. I didn't bother to read most of them then, and I'm certainly not about to bother with them now. Life is too short to spend reading the "manifestos" of crazy people.

There. Now I've commented, so Judy can claim to have "pushed my buttons." I know this won't make her as happy as, say, someone here saying, "Wow. You're RIGHT, Judy. I was all wrong about Robin, but now I realize that he was just as interesting as you believe he was. Sign me up for the next Robin Cult group satsang and orgy!" But at least she can claim some kinda "win." :-)

Narcissists fall for other narcissists. People who believe that what they SAY is more important than what they DO always fall for others who believe the same thing. I've said it before and I'll possibly say it again -- Judy fell for Robin because he's the only person she's ever encountered on this forum crazier and more "established in narcissism" than she is.

Now you all can go back to discussing him and reading his "greatest hits," as reposted by his cult follower. I've got more important things to do, like washing my socks... :-)

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