---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 He's out of town?  The rent proly came due. 

 MJ could always come back here.  Lot of old TM meditators are coming back to 
finish their days here in a meditating community.  Fairfield, Iowa is a very 
spiritual place.   He could get his meditation checked and start meditating 
effectively again. There is always hope as the Unified Field is quite 
compassionate that way.

 I could bet on some smart lawyers somewhere eventually hanging 'plaintiff' 
defamer on MJ too. MJ is pretty outrageous in his public defamation of TM. -Buck

 awoelflebater writes: I did not Ricky wrote this.
 Well, it's too late, Buck - he's apparently already on the run out of town. 
Who knows when the lawyers will find him. He could be miles away by now, hiding 
out in North Carolina or someplace. Maybe he is heading to Canada or Mexico - 
he's on the run fer sure. Probably meeting up with Judy somewhere.

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