---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 more bubbles about bugs: in many countries bugs are eaten. I think chocolate 
covered ants are considered a delicacy (-: OMG Steve  be careful OTHO what a 
sweet future and end

 OTOH, butterflies are not, as far as I know, having traveled internationally 
only to Bermuda and Canada!
Ok I prefer Canada then  
Share you easy can recognize meru riding a masked zebra using his danda as a 
riding stick hoping to catch a one winged butterfly


 On Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:46 AM, merudanda <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

   Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_nCmHAjxMo
 Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_nCmHAjxMo 
Interpretaion von Franz Kafkas Erzählung "Die Verwandlung" (uraltes 
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_nCmHAjxMo 
 Preview by Yahoo 

The Metamorphosis,  Verwandlung of Steve Sundur

As Steve awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in 
his bed into a gigantic, some sort of monstrous , insect. He was lying on his 
hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he 
could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of 
which the bed quilt could hardly stay in place and was about to slide off 
completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest 
of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes.

What has happened to me? he thought...."nothing earth shattering.. noticed that 
that emotion got arrested before it could surface"
"Adapted from Kafkas 
:Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in 
seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem 
panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen 
gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen 
Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch 
erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich 
dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen.»Was ist mit mir geschehen?« 
dachte er."

Steve.Merudanda is just trolling , bubbling from collected mind of T(R)olles  
collective  universal consciousness!
lol with  his numerous legs waving helplessly before your eyes.

For cardemaister:
 In the opening sentence the epithet " ungeheueres Ungeziefer" poses one of the 
greatest challenges to translate. Both the adjective ungeheuer (meaning 
“monstrous” or “huge” and "gigantic") and the noun Ungeziefer are negations— 
virtual nonentities—prefixed by "un". 
Ungeziefer comes from the Middle High German ungezibere, a negation of the Old 
High German zebar (related to the Old English ti’ber), meaning “sacrifice” or 
“sacrificial animal.” 
An ungezibere, then, is an unclean animal unfit for sacrifice, and Ungeziefer 
describes the class of nasty creepy-crawly things.( The word in German suggests 
primarily six-legged critters, though it otherwise resembles the English word 
“vermin” which refers primarily to rodents). 
Ungeziefer is also used informally as the equivalent of “bug,”(beware not Buck 
or make a buck on) though the connotation is “dirty, nasty bug”—(you wouldn’t 
apply the word to cute, helpful creatures like ladybugs).  Transforming into 
“some sort of monstrous insect” with “some sort of” added to blur the borders 
of the somewhat too specific “insect”and " gigantic" suggest the 
overwhelming-ness; A new body and condition with the same hazy focus with which 
Steve himself discovers, noticing without emotional arrest, with his penchant 
for the blurred perceptions of  bewilderment.
About the one leitmotif  and  theme of ruhig/unruhig. (the narrative oscillates 
between untroubled and troubled, tranquil and harried, peaceful and unsettled. )
Ruhig denotes “calm,” “peaceful,” “quiet,” “tranquil,” “at ease,” and unruhig 
its opposite. Starting with the "unruhigen Träume" are often translated 
with“troubled dreams”) in the first sentence,
Panzerartig .
 Denotes to trading  his spine for an exoskeleton, but even this armorlike 
shell (“carapace” and “armor” are the same word in German, Panzer)  is no 
defense for a willingly accepted wretchedness thrust-ed upon ,  erring by 
failing to act.
The German word "Verwandlung" does not suggest a natural change of state 
associated with the animal kingdom such as the change from caterpillar to 60 
Share butterfly. It is a word from fairy tales,  suitable for a FFL Fairy Field 
 Life forum, used to describe the transformation, say, of a girl’s seven FFL 
brothers into swans. “Metamorphosis” refers to this, too. Its first definition 
in the Oxford English Dictionary is 
“The action or process of changing in form, shape, or substance; esp. 
transformation by supernatural means.”  
More in the  sense in which it’s used, for instance, in translations of Ovid.

  Steve a salesman?
 6:41 PM #391184 
In Steve  greatest sense of freedom does he crawl ,enjoys tragicomic crawling 
around the walls and ceiling of his room and  FFL?
(The German verb kriechen which also translates as “to creep” has ironically 
the additional meaning of “to cower.” To kriechen before someone is to act 
sycophantically toward someone. A representation of a new "verwandelte" 
physical state of a long-standing spiritual abjectness?)
Selling himself? His own agency and dignity? Making himself a sellout through 
and through? Can we describing Steve as a “drummer” (commercial traveler), 
referring back to another of Kafkas ilk, “a hardworking drummer who landed in 
the ash can like all the rest of them”? 

NO...no of course...
(silence between two thought bubble)....
Just having bathetical fun with a most luminous, suggestive transformation by 
supernatural means (or read Kafka´s  little booklet)
No- your opinion-----?cardemaister
As merudanda said already.
Merudanda is just t(r)olling , bubbling from collected pushing-button- mind of 
T(R)olles  collective  universal consciousness!
lol with  his numerous legs waving helplessly before your eyes.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 I remember meditating one time, and I saw a bug crawling in the corner of the 
room, and instead of a frightened response, which would have been normal for 
me, I noticed that that emotion got arrested before it could surface. 

 I mean, nothing earth shattering.  I just remember it as being sort of funny.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 OTOH, Byron Katie popped in while she was crouched in terror under a bed in 
the attic of a rehab house. And a cockroach crawled across her leg. Glad she 
didn't teach THAT as a technique!







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