---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 Matter and energy are interchangeable, therefore synonymous. They are the 
different vibrations of the quantum string.  According to John Hagelin, the 
unified field is made up of an ocean of these quantum strings which bubble up 
to form matter or universes.

 Hardly Hagelin's idea, but at least we all agree that matter isn't nothing and 
that it all has nothing to do with consciousness ;-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 IMO, Krauss and his friends like Hawking and Dawkins are missing a very 
important and logical point in the creation of the universe.  It is that: how 
can a random quantum energy exist out of nothing and cognize and create 
spacetime?  The fact that spacetime exists shows that Consciousness is involved 
in creation.

 Finally a genuine non-sequitur!

 The fact that you don't understand quantum tunnelling  does not mean that 
consciousness must have been involved in the creation of the universe. And 
besides, why does consciousness get special treatment in your universe? It is a 
thing like everything else, to favour one "thing" over another with special 
dispensation to create universes still doesn't answer the question where that 
"thing" came from. 

 Basically you still don't know how it all began but are just replacing one 
mystery with another.

 Nonetheless, I would agree that a debate between Krauss and Hagelin would be 
very interesting for everyone in the spiritual and scientific community.

 Especially if we tell Krauss that Hagelin has been abusing the laws of physics 
to sell crappy prayers and astrology.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <wayback71@...> wrote :

 Lawrence Krauss.  He is very popular and on the "speaker" circuit of 
physicists and astronomers since he is engaging and super smart.  He teaches at 
Arizona State U and began the Origins Project there.  He often talks about how 
the Universe came out of Nothing, and how that can be. I would love to listen 
to Krauss and Hagelin talk.   

 Sam Harris, however, talks of his own experiences that many people would 
interpret as spiritual or religious - and so he would probably be on target in 
discussions with Hagelin. Harris's new book, Waking Up:  A guide to 
spirituality without religion, comes out next week, and he will be in demand to 
discuss it.   Perhaps this would be the perfect time for him to be on BatGap. 

 Altho I have not checked, I am sure you can find Krauss all over the internet.

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