Richard, I love these photos and I love maps so this is a win win win for me, 
thank you (-:

On Saturday, September 6, 2014 8:42 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

[Attachment(s) from Richard J. Williams included below]
Local Escarpments - Enchanted Rock

Enchanted Rock, Fredericksburg, Texas

It's an enormous pink granite rock formation located in the Llano
      Uplift approximately 15 miles north of Fredericksburg and 15 miles
      south of Llano. Enchanted Rock State Natural Area, which includes
      Enchanted Rock and surrounding land, spans the border between
      Gillespie County and Llano County, south of the Llano River. We
      have been there many times: it is a great place to meditate and do
      a yoga program. The place has been sacred to native inhabitants
      for hundreds of years.

Local Escarpments - Jacob's Well 
>Jacob's Well, Wimberley, Texas
>We drove there today in our classic car and enjoyed swimming and
      having fun - it's a great place to do program and practice zen or
      yoga. The water is very bracing even though the temperature was 98
      degrees in the shade. A Texas Power Place for sure since ancient
      times. It's a perennial karstic spring that flows from the bed of
      Cypress Creek, located northwest of Wimberley, Texas. 
>"The 12-foot (3.7 m) diameter mouh of the spring serves as a
      popular swimming spot for the local land owners whose properties
      adjoin Cypress Creek. .."

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