On 9/9/2014 9:35 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
As mentioned by the US generals, the US cannot win the war against ISIS by air power alone. It still needs military boots on the ground to drive away the militants from Iraq. The military boots should not be coming from American soldiers. The military boots should be from the Iraqi forces. It is their country and they should be defending it.
The Iraqi army cannot defeat ISIS in Syria, without U.S. air power, that's my point. Only the U.S. has the stockpile of arms to continue the strikes against ISIS. There is nobody willing to put boots down on the ground in Iraq in order to defeat ISIS except the Kurds.

The problem is when ISIS goes for Pakistan, a nuclear state, and then threatens India with a nuclear strike.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

On 9/9/2014 11:11 AM, Bhairitu noozguru@... <mailto:noozguru@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    The US funded the Mujahideen to fight against the Russians in
    Afghanistan. Why? Because greedy US businessmen wanted their
    hands on the recently revealed to the public rich resources in
    the Afghanistan (which was why Russians were there in the first
    place). Then the Mujahideen because Al-Qaeda and a new boogeyman
    to get the American people in a "war mood" and support spending
    heavily on defense which of course profited the military
    industrial complex.  Then the US supported ISIS to help overthrow
    the Syrian government. Now they are the new boogeyman to drum up
    more defense spending.  Best way to defeat ISIS was to not
    support them in the first place.
    The past is already gone, you need to face the present. The best
    way to defeat ISIS is to vote for the political candidate that
    will be willing to fund the U.S. military. The the only way to
    defeat ISIS is with U.S. military air power. That's what President
    Obama is already doing. Without U.S. military air support, the
    European and Middle Eastern governments will NOT be able to defeat
    ISIS. It's not complicated.

    On 09/08/2014 07:34 PM, jr_esq@... <mailto:jr_esq@...>
    [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    It's the formation of a new government in Iraq, according to
    Kerry.  IMO, this indeed is the most reasonable of all
    approaches, along with the necessary support from world
    governments to defeat ISIS.


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