From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest - 
his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

M: True Dat! Much though the power structure hates it, Jerry was the voice of 
sanity for a lot of us and so it isn't like Charley Lutes (may the Lord of the 
universe, the local universe that his wacky soul) is supporting this 
guy. So right on the heels of Maharishi's death bringing the movement together 
and inviting guys like Jerry back to the fold, they have to turn around and 
show him the door again! I would feel sorry for the guy but I think he is used 
to it by now and has been thrown out of movements by a lot more impressive 
dudes than John. (I'm talking to you pre-disembodied MMY!)

If he is now dismissing Jerry 
as a crank too, what does this say about his faith in Maharishi's 
masterhoodednessintudiment? If he couldn't put Jerry in a state beyond 
being hoodwinked where does that leave the rank and file dozing in the 
dome person? Kinda screwed I'd say. Treating Jerry like a drunk uncle 
late on Thanksgiving night is a huge blow to the whole premise of the 

I need to do some research in the archives about after Maharishi's death when 
Beven and others were saying some crazy stuff about where Maharishi was now. I 
think it would be interesting to spell out the movement beliefs about Maharishi 
after death.

My memory (because I brought up the same WTF argument on FFL then that I did 
more recently) is that Bevan went on and on about Maharishi being "in heaven 
with all the angels" and/or said that he "was now the greatest saint among all 
the saints in Brahmaloka." I brought it up at the time because during his 
lifetime Maharishi had been quite clear that in his view there was *no 
possibility* of personality or individuality existing after an enlightened 
person dies. It struck me strange that here is one of his prime devotees 
*ignoring* that teaching completely, and claiming that he was how "in heaven," 
individuality completely intact. 

I'm gunna have to hold my own biases in check a bit and see if I can do justice 
to something, which if true, would put a nice size 14 wingtip shoe up the ass 
of my own perspective on how life works. But I can't pretend that my first 
reaction is not to just assume that Jerry has been fooled as many before him by 
a language form used by all good psychics that cleverly lets him fill in the 
details and feel as if they have been revealed to him. And that doesn't mean 
that George is being insincere either. They could both be in what the French 
call a Fole a deux, the madness two people can generate together.(Think Kim and 

My bet is that Jerry has been fooled by George's sincerity (he obviously 
believes that he received such a "message") and by his (as you say) language 
form when describing it. There is probably stuff in George's proposed "content" 
of the "message" that appeals to him, too. But that's where I think the whole 
schtick falls apart. Let's analyze George's "outline" for the "message" and 
weigh it against what we know about Maharishi:

Maharishi’s Explanations of:
1) How two major spiritual traditions, the Vedic and the 
Judeo-Christian-Islamic, developed over the last 5,000 years

OK, this is the first big "tell" that this is stuff that George *wanted* to 
hear and so made up in his mind. It's the kind of stuff *he's* hung up on and 
writes books about. But Maharishi has *never* been known to know much of 
*anything* about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, and has only 
embarrassed himself in the past when he tried to pretend such knowledge. As for 
his "knowledge" of the Vedic tradition, I think it's fair to point out that 
almost everything he's said about it being such a perfect age contradicts 
pretty much everything ever said by scholars who have investigated the actual 
Vedic era. It was a period in which wars were prevalent everywhere (and 
constitute most of the content of "Vedic" literature), and in which the average 
lifespan was about 33 years old. Hardly the "heaven on earth" MMY portrayed it 
as. So I'm bettin' that the "message" will be completely, 100% made-up bullshit 
from George's imagination, and have nothing
 whatsoever to do with anything MMY ever taught. That said, many TM TBs will 
never notice, and will believe it anyway. 

2) The many roles Maharishi played in those developments

Pure ego-pandering. Tell the rubes even more made-up stories about how 
important Maharishi was in *past* history, because they already believe a ton 
of bullshit about how important he was in recent history. That said, I can't 
wait to hear George's tales of how Maharishi claims to have been the original 
Burning Bush and to have walked on water beside Jesus. And I will be curious as 
to whether Maharishi will be demanding from beyond the grave that these 
religions he played such a role in founding be hereafter known as Maharishi™ 
Judaism,  Maharishi™
Christianity, and Maharishi™ Islam.  :-)    

3) How his personality developed its characteristic traits over those millennia

This one will be interesting in my opinion primarily because of what George 
will claim these "characteristic personality traits" ARE. For example, if we're 
discussing his tendency to burp into the microphone during lectures, that's not 
going to be all that revealing. If, on the other hand, Maharishi's "message" 
reveals his preferences in women, and whether he prefers hairy pussies or the 
new Brazilian look, it might get more interesting. 

4) His unexpected spiritual crisis after his mahasamadhi on February 5, 2008

OK, we pretty much KNOW that this one came out of George's head and not from 
Maharishi, because when has anyone here ever heard MMY talk about having a 
"spiritual crisis" during his life? His whole ACT was pretending to always be 
on top of things and to have everything all sussed out. Besides, how is this 
"crisis" going to be presented? "Holy fuck, I'm dead. And I forgot to do 
something important before I died!" 

5) His successful resolution of that crisis with the help of his friends

My bet on this one is that Maharishi called upon various afterlife entities he 
met in the Bardo and asked them to go back and tell Bevan to lose some fuckin' 
weight, already. 

6) The surprising conclusions he and his friends have reached to effect the 
spiritual regeneration of the Movement created long ago for the benefit of the 
human race

Yeah, like that's going to happen. "Well, it's like this, guys. I fucked up 
last time, so now I have a NEW plan for how to spiritual regenerate my original 
Spiritual Regeneration Movement." 

Hearing these clear explanations should disintegrate many deeply embedded but
totally unnecessary fears

Primary among which is the fear of dying. Because if you buy all of this crap, 
after the presentation of the "message" you'll believe that there is no such 
thing as death, and if it happens to you, all you have to do is get in touch 
with George and it'll be like you never died. 

All in all, I look forward to the show. It will definitely be the most 
entertaining thing the TM movement has done since trying to convince us to buy 
Maharishi Vedic Honey by having grown women sing in little-girl voices as if 
that was supposed to get us all hot. Maybe it got *Maharishi* hot, and that's 
one of the characteristic personality traits he'll be talking about.  
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