Bhairitu said: "Science knows shit about tantra and mantra shastra.  You're 
looking the wrong way. "

 My post was not looking to science to validate tantra or mantra shastra or any 
traditional knowledge. 

 Just the opposite. My point was a statement of disagreement with the claim of 
rationalists that traditional knowledge consists of only primitive 
superstitions with no foundation (I include a vast array of practices, rituals, 
ceremonies, points of view, customs, processes, lifestyles, diets, medicine, 
exercise, meditation, yoga, chanting, sound, cosmologies,observed correlations 
(beyond the spurious), assumptions about causal factors, etc, across many 
cultures in the term "traditional knowledge).

 Traditional knowledge has generally undergone a series of vast duration 
longitudinal studies with literally life and death consequences (for 
individuals and entire cultures). Nothing in the social or medical sciences 
have or are able to do anything remotely similar. It is a different type, yet 
in my view quite valid form of research.  That which actually works survives as 
do the cultures that maintain and practice it. 

 Thus, it is my view that traditional knowledge in many forms already have some 
proven value. Based on ones needs, inclinations, and resources many forms of 
traditional knowledge are quite worthy of personal investigation and 
experimentation -- that is, does it work for me, does it bring positive value 
to my life (and others.  

 Science is like a hammer. Very effective, but it can only hit nails -- and it 
looks for nails to hit -- a small subset of worthy areas of investigation. That 
is, its tools and methods are not yet capable of meaningfully studying many 
aspects of traditional knowledge -- though certainly some useful progress has 
been made. 

 For example, the 1000's of studies on traditional herbs.  While only a subset 
are double blind, placebo based studies of significant sample size, a lot of 
fascinating understanding has been uncovered. And such studies at imply that 
there is "some there, there".to traditional herbs and more broadly -- though 
more indirectly make other forms of traditional knowledge more plausible -- at 
least worthy of investigation. 

 The advances in brain and cognitive science  and related fields over the past 
10 years has been startling. And the progress in methodologies, analysis, 
imaging and other technologies, appears to be accelerating.  Over the next 
10-20 years, many forms of traditional knowledge may be able to be better 
investigated by science -- enhancing both science and the traditions and 
cultures that maintain and teach traditional knowledge.   

 But no need to wait for scads of peer reviewed double blind placebo studies to 
begin personal experimentation and validation of many forms of traditional 


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