On 10/11/2014 4:35 PM, wgm4u wrote:
I like what MMY says on the subject,
/Maybe I missed it, but where and when did MMY say anything about Gaudapada and the Buddha?/
reality is both relative (dynamic) and absolute (silent), the unity of the two is the eternal reality of living being. Only in the pralaya does the Absolute exist ALONE.
/All schools of Indian philosophy acknowledge the existence of the manifest world but each interprets differently the relationship between the ultimate reality and the manifest world of matter. //

//So, let's review what we know:

//Kashmir Saivism teaches that consciousness alternates between two phases, rest and action. The phase of transcendental rest is called 'pralaya' in Sanskrit, which has no first beginning, therefore no primal cause. ///Kashmir Saivism contends that there is only one reality, but it has two aspects; therefore the manifestation is real. This is based on the argument that the effect cannot be different from its cause. The world of matter is only another form of consciousness. ///
//Samkhya doctrine contends that there are two independent realities, and that the manifest world is the appearance of unconscious matter as separate and independent. The Vedanta doctrine contends that there is only one ultimate reality which never changes; therefore the manifest world is an 'appearance' only. //

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