Title: Bird Flu Preparedness
From a friend:

Listen to Michael Osterholm.   Go to  www.npr.org     type in  
Osterholm  in the search engine there.   Listen to his October 10th
talk first....it's about 5 minutes.
Then listen to his October 14th talk afterwards.....it's about 15-20
minutes.   He mentions that the pandemic will last 12 to 18
months!!!....so one month
isn't going to cut it.   There will be many waves of varying strains of
influenza sweeping through the population...some more virulent then
others.....and it will last
for quite some time.   Also go to the CDC's web site and read what they
have to say.   They say it's inevitable and that it's coming anytime

I didn't feel y2k was anything to worry about.  But I am very concerned
(not afraid) of what this will do to the status quo.  I have a lot of
young friends who would
be very susceptible to a flu resembling the 1918 pandemic.   I don't
want to lose a single one.

Pass the food prep thing on.  The more folks who invest the small
amount it costs to squirrel away some grains the better off we'll all


There are five gallon plastic pails at Wal-Mart.  The pails, with
locking lids, costs about $4.50.  Buy two of them
for each member of your family.  Pack them with dried grains...a good
variety.  You can buy four or five pounds of different
grains and leave them in the plastic bags you bought them in.  Each
plastic pail should then be packed to the top with multiple bags
of these different grains.  It'll cost you about  $30 or $40, if
purchased in bulk, to fill each five gallon pail.

Stick some dry ice (CO2) in the containers and put the lids on....make
a pin hole, with a safety pin, in the lids.....after 48 hours
put a piece of tape over the pin hole.  Now your containers are secure
for at least a year.

But remember to wait at least 48 hours.  By then the dry ice would of
melted (gone directly to a gas..carbon dioxide) and
displaced all of the air in the pails.  CO2 is heavier then air so it
will settle to the bottom of the pails displacing the air
which will be pushed out of the pin hole.  If the CO2 has not fully
melted then once you've closed the hole the pressure will
build in the pail, possibly blowing the lid off....so wait until the
dry ice (CO2) has all gone to its gas state.

Bugs don't do so well if there is no oxygen.  The CO2 will smoother the
little suckers if there are any in there.   Often times the
bugs you end up getting are already in the grains.  You don't have to
do the CO2 thing but it does add an extra measure of
protection and it's cheap and easy to do.

Each five gallon bucket, if  fully sprouted, will expand to ten times
that volume.  You can take a hand full of a mixture of grains and
soak them for a couple of days and then eat them without cooking....you
can let them sprout longer, if you wish, for
great salads.  The enzyme and nutritional content of sprouted grains is
much higher then cooked grains.  So even though it may
not be as tasty, to some folk, as a warm meal it will be highly
nutritious and an ideal food to sustain your family through difficult

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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