Can the new TMO since the passing away of Maharishi afford ($) to keep the 
archives of Maharishi in Vlodrop? It might be better to place them in a public 
institution, like a special collection at Harvard or Oxford libraries or some 
place like that for safe-keeping for future generations.
Jai Guru Dev,
-BuckLEnglish5@...> wrote : 
 Why would you think that it would? 


 mjackson74@...> wrote :
 Wonder how come the Marshy Effect didn't prevent such a ruling??

 Original document:
 ANBI-status Transcendente Meditatie stichting terecht ingetrokken • 
Accountancy Nieuws - nieuws, achtergrond en verdieping

 ANBI-status Transcendente Meditatie stichting terecht ingetrokken • 
Accountancy Nieuws - nieuws,...
 De stichting stimuleert de beoefening van Transcendente Meditatie (TM) volgens 
de leer van Maharishi Mahesh. Hiertoe is door de stichting in Lelystad een 
woonwijk gerealiseerd.

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 English translation:

 ANBI status Transcendental Meditation foundation can be withdrawn 27-10-2014 
13:13 • UN Today
 The Administration has rightly withdrawn ANBI status of a foundation that 
promotes the practice of Transcendental Meditation. That is the verdict court 
northern Netherlands came recently. According to the court edify its activities 
mainly private consumption interests of the participants.

 The foundation encourages the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) as 
taught by Maharishi Mahesh. Is a residential area this purpose achieved by the 
foundation in Lelystad. The Foundation for the maintenance of the district and 
subsidizes the school, the organic shop and vegetarian restaurant. Participants 
rent a house or buy. The participants and all persons belonging to their 
household, are also a monthly contribution payable to the foundation. In 
dispute is whether the status of public benefit institution (ANBI) of the 
foundation routed there by July 1, 2012 is revoked.
 Court Northern Netherlands ruled that the foundation with its activities, the 
private consumption interests of the participants mainly. To personal 
well-being and personal development of the participants have a beneficial 
effect on their environment. However, this effect is indirect and subordinate 
to the individual interests of the participants. Thus, the Foundation does not 
establish that the general interest of 90% or more (quantitative test) served 
by the activities of the foundation. The appeal of the foundation is unfounded.


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