
You can't take that guy serious, noone in his right mind read books by Paul
> Mason. He has a simple agenda; to make money.

He, he, he. Take a hint from me: A fool says, "I won't read great books if
they are translated and published."

Maharishi has also been edited, translated, and published by MUM and
others, and not for free. The same goes for so many others.

By the way, I have compared three translations of Guru Dev's 108
discourses. In my view Paul Mason's is the best, translationwise, but LB
Shriver's has good annotations to go for it. And there is one more
translation from India, *for free* on Paul Mason's Guru Dev page.

When one has rid the mind of mean dumbness one is better qualified to study
texts and compare. "First study, then speak" should hardly be ignored.

T. Kinnes

Tormod Kinnes

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