On 12/5/2014 10:43 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

I believe Alex's vivid image of you pissing in the wind on your attempt to ascend into a position of control of this group is apt.
You just don't seem to get it, Curtis. You're the guy that got brainwashed into selling us the snake-oil and the nonsense gibberish for a living. You're guy that was put in a trance-induction state for 20 years. You will probably never get over your cognitive dissonance. You ARE the TMO and the True Believer.
The only way is could happen would be if a lot of people really, really wanted you to. Not by you mounting what seems to be a coup attempt through whining. You have been throwing an adult tantrum in your posts since I first started reading your posts as that other guy you have inside that you seem in conflict with.

You are attempting to control other adult's expressions here, and within the legal boundaries we are all constrained by, this is not gunna happen dude. It shouldn't happen. Because no matter what high levels you have pumped your self regard, you would not be trustworthy in any position of judgement here. You have convinced yourself that because you believe something so much, you should be able control other people. Get off the power trip delusion. No one wants you to be in charge of anything here.

Follow the rest of the trouble makers to your new Jerusalem and regale them with your faux Old Testament, Burning Bush assumptions about reality. You can pat each other on the back to your hearts content about how virtuous and spiritual you are. And by virtue of the collusion of agreement, no one will worry your pretty little head with any intellectual challenges. Want to post about aliens making circles in the grass, no problem, about George interviewing a dead but very talkative Maharishi? No one will ask you to support ANYTHING you claim. It was built for you whose reaction to intellectual challenges is to whine that it just isn't fair to have people disagree with stuff you are emotionally invested in.

This is a forum for thinkers, not dogma slingers. If you make an outrageous claim here expect that someone will call bullshit, and this is NOT being negative. It is respecting truth and having good reasons to support beliefs over superstitious blather.

You have the same mentality as the people who kicked you out of the dome and you can't see it. I guarantee you, your first move as supreme leader of FFL would be to try to ban me. And you would try to silence me because you can't give a reasoned argument to support your beliefs here that I challenge. So now you want to try to silence critics by fiat. You are a couple centuries too late for that routine.

There already is a forum built exclusively for guys like you. With your buddy Jim at the helm you will be so happy there. Maybe he could give you some kind of rank in the organization and let you wear a special hat. I think you would be so happy if you could just wear a special hat, don't you?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

That is fine. I am confident that you would come to the meetings when Rick asks for help on this problem.

Craig Pearson is doing an awesome and quite a fair-minded job moderating the extremely anxious community meetings of the Fairfield Mental Health Alliance. Rick, we should ask him if he could help mediate our FFL steering committee meetings even hosting them on campus somewhere like in the Board of Directors' Room. It would be nice to meet somewhere symbolically in between the Global Country up in Vedic City and the Fairfield meditating community. The student union might be a good place. -Buck

j_alexander_stanley writes :

I would not attend such a meeting, as I'm content to leave well enough alone. It strikes me that Rick is also content to leave well enough alone, so your continued complaining is only so much pissing into the wind. The Peak exodus has put an end to much of the squabbly bullshit, and IMO, that's a good thing. Perhaps, you should focus your energies over there.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

The Fairfield FFL meeting should proly just be a small working steering committee of older meditators from Fairfield to look after the larger communal welfare of FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. Like Rick, Dick Mays and me as patricians of FFL. And, Alex for the sensibility of his long-time moderating technical support. Most everyone else are new-comers by comparison.

The Patriarch of Positivity,

-Buck in Fairfield

Yes hold a face-to-face in Fairfield, a meeting over some strong black coffee or Vata and Pitta tea, a conference amongst ourselves in Fairfield, Iowa to take back the brand of FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.

It is time, -Buck in Fairfield

We should have a peace and reconciliation conference here in Fairfield for FFL.

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