LOL - Yes, please tell me *exactly* whom you have supposedly reported me to. I 
hold a US Government clearance (Confidential - one step below Top Secret), and 
have also been investigated by the FBI to get same. They didn't have a problem 
with me. Stop your bullshit, stay away from the kiddies, and Shut The Fuck Up, 
Barry. :-)

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 For the record, Jim, the Netherlands police and Interpol have been notified 
again of your renewed stalking attempts and breaches of Dutch law. They have 
now notified authorities in the U.S. 


 You are now on record as having made these slanderous remarks on *two 
different occasions*, the second time after having been warned that these 
slanderous statements are in breach of Dutch law. Congratulations -- all of 
this boosts you to a higher level of surveillance. You may now rest assured 
that pretty much *everything* you write to the Internet from now on will be 


 Too bad you couldn't let your obsession with me go. First reading two entire 
books in an attempt to find stuff you could post to slander me. Second, 
stalking me all over the Internet to try to find photos of me that you could 
crop and add derogatory captions to. Third, making up all of these claims about 
me, based on me using a throwaway phrase about a dead spiritual teacher no one 
seems to care about. 


 Maybe you should go back to The_Leak before your brains leak completely out.  

 Oh, and by the way, since you seem to have forgotten about it, when you 
*first* stalked off in a snit from Fairfield Life, in an attempt to threaten 
Rick into getting rid of me, you claimed you wouldn't post here again as long 
as I was still here:

 Rick, I am sorry, but a forum where anyone is allowed to suggest sexual 
violence AGAINST children, is not someplace I want to be. I am truly sorry 
things have degenerated to this point. I am local to the Yahoo corporation, and 
am considering a detailed notice to the Yahoo administrators, including screen 
names, of this current activity. 

 Barry makes one excuse after another, about using this foul, sexually 
perverted, and unbalanced voice, and is clearly not well. This is no longer a 
healthy environment for anyone to participate in.

 I am all for differing opinions on here, but you have allowed one individual's 
mental illness to co-opt what could be a fun place to hang out, and I guess I 
am one of the casualties. See ya!!


 So in addition to being so obsessed with someone you don't like that you're 
willing to break the law and have law enforcement officials in three countries 
looking into your activities, you're willing to LIE as you stalk out the door 
and have it hit you in the ass.  


 You sure are some great role model for enlightenment, Jimbo. Up after 
midnight, STILL obsessing about Barry, and STILL so desperate for attention 
that you're trying to get people from FFL to come visit your lame-o forum. 


 Sure must be tough to be you, but if I were you I'd stick to talking about 
Newage bullshit and making false claims about your enlightenment on The_Leak 
and stay away from FFL. Every time you come here you get yourself into more 

 From: "reverse_archery@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 9:22 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Subscribe to "The Peak" - An alternative to FFL
   Rick and I have known each other since the late 1970's - If he had truly 
been offended, he would not have subscribed to my new forum, The Peak. 

 I can appreciate your sensitivity, though you expressed no such qualms, when 
Turq made a reference to "Maharishi butt-fucking babies". His exact words, a 
month ago. This, along with the knowledge that Turq now lives with, and often 
babysits, a two year old girl, and had never used language like that before, 
really got to *my* sensitivities, so much so that I started my own forum. 

 Apparently a lot of people agreed with my sensitivities, too. I guess we are 
all sensitive in different areas, eh?

 Anyway if you grow too sensitive for FFL, come on over the The Peak, and let's 
talk about it.:-) I thought your comment merited a response, though I won't be 
commenting further on here. 
---In, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :


 Maybe I'm being a bit too sensitive, but the "reverse_archery" moniker 
suggests to me a cheap shot at Rick Archer which isn't needed.



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