Here are a few atheist objections to theist claims:

Why do you consider one book of human literature to be different in its source 
than others so that they are considered "scripture?" I get it that you may not 
feel this way about any book, but most theists do.  

 So you get it that we may not feel this way about any book. You've answered 
your own question. Next . . . 

 Does a person really have a good claim that the experience of unity 
consciousness is fundamentally different from being saved for example? 

 No. But believing oneself "saved" or experiencing "unity consciousness" are 
very different from our everyday experiences which lead some to resign 
themselves to accepting they are nothing more than a jumped-up simian.

 Is darshan from their master different from what people experienced around Sun 
Young Moon? How do they know? How, even in principle, can someone claim to make 
such distinctions?


 "By their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7: 20)


---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Dr. David Bentley Hart criticizes the new atheist movement.  He calls their 
arguments to be shrill, shallow, glib and stupid. <snip>

 C: Notice that none of those qualities actually address the content of the 
atheist objections to the claims of theists. It is a "you are a poopy pants" 
based argument. 

There is nothing shallow or glib about the epistemological objections to people 
claiming to know things about the nature of the universe that have poor 
supporting reasons. Here are a few atheist objections to theist claims:

Why do you consider one book of human literature to be different in its source 
than others so that they are considered "scripture?" I get it that you may not 
feel this way about any book, but most theists do. Their reasons for assuming 
that their scripture should be taken more seriously than other literature are 
not solid. They do no KNOW that God had a hand in any human book.

How do people distinguish the epistemological solidity of subjective 
experiences well enough to separate their reasons for believing in their own 
but to deny others? Does a person really have a good claim that the experience 
of unity consciousness is fundamentally different from being saved for example? 
Is darshon from their master different from what people experienced around Sun 
Young Moon? How do they know? How, even in principle, can someone claim to make 
such distinctions?

These and many other questions lie at the root of atheist thought.They are not 
silenced or answered by making comments about atheists being too much of one 
thing and not enough of another personally.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 Dr. David Bentley Hart criticizes the new atheist movement.  He calls their 
arguments to be shrill, shallow, glib and stupid.  However, he recognizes that 
Europe has entered the post-Christian era, which he believes, will not 
disappear anytime soon.  On the other hand, he states Nietzsche is dead.




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