I didn't mean to offend. I don't know anything about the guy, and don't care 
to, because his type of crazy and mine just don't get down and party together.  
I'm just saying that if someone tells me they can get down on their knees and 
pray fervently to someone and then an hour later treat that same someone as if 
he were a mere philosophical construct, then they're lying. Either to me, or 
(FAR more likely) to themselves. 

      From: aryavazhi <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, January 4, 2015 2:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My crazy dream of the atheist council
    Interesting, I didn't even think, that he could be make it up, because why 
would he do so? His great hero, Heidegger, was a beliefer of god, and so was 
Kant, they are both well reputed philosophers, much more reputed them he 
himself,  so why would he have to disguise his religiousness under the cover of 
an alledged atheism?

It certainly points to a sort of compartmentalization. But then why not?

No, I think he is honest. He sometimes seems to be a bit strange, did you see 
the vid where he said until age so and so, he never allowed his photo or video 
to be published? But this was more with a sort of communist attitude, an anti 

I actually quite like him, but when I posted one video on my FB, it got no 
likes, so I guess I must be some kind of freak for liking him.  ;-)
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

Still trying not to get involved with abstract speculations for which there is 
no answer, but I question Derrida's claim that he can do this. I don't believe 
that one can believe in something strongly enough to get down on one's knees 
and pray to it and yet later that day treat it as merely a philosophic 
reflection. I honestly believe -- based on the people I've met who claim that 
they can do this -- that they've come up with the latter claim (mere 
philosophical reflection) to hide how strongly they believe the former 
(all-powerful God, someone one prays to like a father figure). They're 
*uncomfortable* with revealing the extent to which faith runs their lives, so 
they choose to cloak it in claims of mere philosophy. 

This is all Just My Opinion, of course. I'm not claiming to know the truth of 
*anything*. And yes, I occasionally allow that to enable me to feel superior to 
those who claim they know things. Mea culpa.  :-)

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