On 01/14/2015 01:41 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

    On 01/14/2015 09:37 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <s3raphita@...> <mailto:s3raphita@...> wrote :

Re "If the subjective method had half the scrutiny given to science . . . ":

I agree with your post but one point you miss is that science has itself tended to avoid tackling subjective experiences as it wants to stick with measurable, objective, shared data. So you get ideas like Behaviourism in psychology which never discuss introspective content. Or Dennett who denies we even have mental events. Science doesn't do justice to what it is actually like being a human being; whereas spirituality isn't self-critical enough.

That's been historically true enough but it's all changed now. Consciousness is the hot topic these days, and not just with the mystical crowd luckily. It's only a matter of time until this intriguing little mystery is all wrapped up.

You still haven't answered me what field of science you work in. ;-)

Are you doubting the ingenuity of the human mind? I have every confidence that this problem will be solved, the brain is made of the usual stuff after all. Sure it's going to take a truly amazing idea to crack the brain's secrets but all problems are solvable, to claim otherwise is to fence off knowledge in the way that held us back for all those centuries before the enlightenment. Back then we thought complexity must have a complex designer, we now know that isn't the case. Consciousness cannot be beyond understanding. I think it'll be fascinating watching the sacred cows fall one by one.

You still didn't answer a simple question. No offense but why are you evading it? Just say you are a fan.

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