I think you know what to do Buck, you just do not do it. I think you prefer to 
ineffectually complain. Actually join in on a discussion, or stay on The Peak; 
those are pretty much the only options open to you here; if you simply complain 
or spam us nobody is interested, you are a voice crying in a wilderness of your 
own making. You are not exercising your intelligence, which is why some here 
think you do not have any. There are not many footholds here for stodgy, 19th 
century religion.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Rick, I should not have to receive these kind of personal slur and attacks as 
ad hominem and threats from your yahoo-group. That is completely against 
Yahoo-groups guidelines. Please remove these post from FFL and discipline the 
membership of their authors.   -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  


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