Thanks for posting this sparaig. This is one of my hobby horses. Pure 
consciousness is precisely awareness without any thought, image or sensation. 
And no thought = no thinker. 

 Robert K C Forman (a TM practitioner) has written on this topic, including The 
Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy and (a better choice) 
Mysticism, Mind, Consciousness.

---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 Rolls eyes. 

 You can force silence by distracting the mind and diverting resources away 
from the verbal centers or you can allow the mind to become more calm until 
silence is everywhere.


 Pure consciousness during TM is no mantra, no thought, no body awareness, no 
intuition, no emotion, no memory, no sensory awareness  of any kind, not just 
"no verbal thoughts."

 It occurs spontaneously, not at beck and call, and is accompanies by higher 
levels of alpha coherence in the frontal lobes, along with increased skin 
resistance, abrupt decrease i heart rate as well as an apparent cessation of 
breathing or at least abrupt drop in breath rate.

 It's hard to miss when you hook someone up to the right equipment, but what 
they found when the examined the woman who most consistently showed these 
signs, while using the most sophisticated eqiupment, was that she didn't notice 
the existence of the state, only the transition *out of* the state.




---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 No mantra-No thought 

 Sounds the same.

 It is a correct experience of the practice of TM (second night checking) and 
evidently Mindfulness too

 Pure Awareness.  

---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 What they call pure awareness is not what TMers call pure awareness. 

---In, <yifuxero@...> wrote :

 [Scientific American article by Matthieu Ricard, Antoine Lutz, and Richard J. 
Davidson, Nov. 2014, p. 43]

 "In our Wisconsin lab, we have studied experienced practioners while they 
performed an advanced form of mindfulness meditation called open presence.  In 
open presence, sometimes called "pure awareness", the mind is calm and relaxed, 
not focused on anything in particular yet vividly clear, free from excitation 
or dullness.  The meditator observes and is open to experience without making 
any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore painful sensation"
 ...[the experimenters somehow induced some pain to experienced meditators, 
then compared the results to novices.]
 ."We found that the intensity o0f the pain was not reduced in meditators, but 
it bothered them less than it did members of a control group".
 "Compared with novices, expert meditators' brain activity diminished in 
anxiety related regions - the insular cortex and the amygdala - in the period 
preceding the painful stimulus."
 "Other tests in our lab have shown that meditation training increases one's 
ability to better control and buffer basic physiological responses - 
inflammation or levels of a stress hormone - to a socially stressful task such 
as giving a public speech or doing mental arithmetic in front of a harsh jury."

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