On 03/30/2015 11:00 AM, rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Most of the world's billionaires started out with nothing, so what's your excuse?

You mean like the Koch brothers or the Waltons? They earned their wealth the old fashioned way, they inherited it.

You were probably born with a silver spoon in your mouth in the land of opportunity.

Yeah, my dad worked for the country road department.  No silver spoons.

You had everything including the freedom of choice. You probably earn more in an hour than most people earn in a week. Go figure.

At best $85 an hour though I charge $200 an hour for consulting. But most clients are buying project work where you price that accordingly. I don't think too many people could survive in good ol' USA on $85 a week. So check your calculations.

Last I read you're not even a millionaire. Guess you didn't take advantage of the "opportunity."


  ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

     Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind
    "gods" or "special people" as if making lots of money is the key
    to life. Thing is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are
    "accidental". They just had the right idea at the right time in
    the right place. And anyone else with that right idea but the
    wrong time or wrong place might not have faired so well.  IOW,
    it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about this).

    It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some
    model or actress does the same sort of meditation, are they
    really so dumb they think people go "Wow, such and such does it,
    I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they take people for?

In the 1970s they could "give it a try" for a reasonable price. If it didn't do it for them then they weren't out much. That's
    when I learned TM.  And as been noted before some of the celebs
    jump on anything that will give them press and abandon it as soon
    as they need something else for press.

    They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

    Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill

    I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.

    And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth,
    it makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

    Cultmania. I love it.

    Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We
    have those downtown standing around looking for a mark. They are
dressed (including their kids) like they are living in the 1950s. That sorta fits in with the town which clings to the 1950s
    Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go downtown last
    week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It was
    a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane
    shots.  Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that
    had them filming. The theme is "American small town."

    Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind
    "gods" or "special people" as if making lots of money is the key
    to life. Thing is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are
    "accidental". They just had the right idea at the right time in
    the right place. And anyone else with that right idea but the
    wrong time or wrong place might not have faired so well.  IOW,
    it's about luck (there was a Harvard study about this).

    It's like the celebrity obsession the TMO has, so what if some
    model or actress does the same sort of meditation, are they
    really so dumb they think people go "Wow, such and such does it,
    I'm gonna give it a try!" What do they take people for?

In the 1970s they could "give it a try" for a reasonable price. If it didn't do it for them then they weren't out much. That's
    when I learned TM.  And as been noted before some of the celebs
    jump on anything that will give them press and abandon it as soon
    as they need something else for press.

    They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

    Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill

    I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.

    And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth,
    it makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

    Cultmania. I love it.

    Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We
    have those downtown standing around looking for a mark. They are
dressed (including their kids) like they are living in the 1950s. That sorta fits in with the town which clings to the 1950s
    Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go downtown last
    week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It was
    a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane
    shots.  Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that
    had them filming. The theme is "American small town."

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