On 03/30/2015 10:32 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

On 03/30/2015 09:14 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <LEnglish5@...>
    <mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote :

    Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.

    You have completely departed from reality with this statement.
    Nobody gives a toss what millionaires do, their lives are so far
    removed from ours that they might as well be alien.

    Actually a lot of dummies think of billionaires as some kind
    "gods" or "special people" as if making lots of money is the key
to life.
    Thinking about it a bit more, Lawson's statement might be more
    true of America than over here. We have a funny attitude to money,
    everyone wants to be rich but people can really dislike the
    wealthy just being rich. The weird politics of envy.

    Thing is, a lot of our modern day billionaires are "accidental".
    They just had the right idea at the right time in the right place.
    And anyone else with that right idea but the wrong time or wrong
    place might not have faired so well.  IOW, it's about luck (there
    was a Harvard study about this).

    A lot of the recent immigrants to London are conmen like Roman
    Abromovich and his Russian oilgarch friends who made a fortune in
    Russia during the capitalist free-for-all and park their money in
    London forcing up house prices way beyond the reach of locals.
    Even worse are playboy Arab billionaires racing their stupid fast
    cars round Knightsbridge. Everyone hates them and rightly so.

    The only thing the English like (except me) is class, we let the
    "uppers" shit on the rest of us whether they've got money or not.
    It's all bearing and accent.

    The only billionaire everyone seems to like is Richard Branson. He
    has a good and carefully managed image but what's he like really?
    Damn shrewd, hardworking or just lucky?

Probably lucky. Successful people work smart not hard. Working hard is for peasants who would be better off too if they just worked smart. But there is becoming a lot of resentment in the US. Back in the 1990s I was able to dine out whenever I wanted to but now I walk past sidewalk cafes I can't afford lunch at or more correctly don't want to spend the inflated price. $10 for sandwich that 6 years ago might have been $5? In the 1990s you didn't get any resentment vibes either because even the poorer folks could still afford to dine out.

I'm going to post a link to a Paul Craig Roberts interview which has some stuff about ISIS at the front so it fits jr's ISIS post. The latter part of the interview has Roberts talking about the economic inequity in the US and how we're headed for a depression. Mind you this guy was an economic advisor to Ronald Reagan during his administration. Jason needs to watch it too as Roberts is every bit as down on capitalistic excess as I am.

    They really DO set the trends and fashions of society.

    Bullshit. Would you hang out with someone who dressed like Bill

    I think Melinda dresses him nowadays.

    Part of my job in my PR company was monitoring what the press said
    about Gates. All articles about him or his life were cut out and
    sent to me and I'd enter the details into a database and send a
    monthly report to MS's own press department. To say that I knew
    everything there is to know about him is an understatement. I felt
    like some hideous nerd stalker, but highly paid and probably
    shouldn't be telling you this!

    I knew how every room in his house was decorated and how much
    money he'd have top drop to make it worth his while bending over
    to pick it up (he made $150 a second apparently). Why they wanted
    to know all this stuff is a mystery to me, maybe they used it to
    monitor how obsessed people were with myths about his lifestyle?
    Weird job anyway...

    I also had to monitor the whole IE anti-trust thing and the battle
    with Netscape (remember that?) and all the while I was using a
    crappy Windows 95 PC. We didn't even have the internet in those
    days and had to actually work while looking at our screens!

Yes I remember that and a point came up about Windows providing developer access and actually I was in a software industry group that asked Microsoft for that and it didn't get mentioned. MS lawyers apparently didn't know that piece of history.

    And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth,
    it makes all sorts of headlines in business journals.

    Cultmania. I love it.

    Lawson makes being a TM'er like being a Jehovah's Witness.  We
    have those downtown standing around looking for a mark. They are
dressed (including their kids) like they are living in the 1950s. That sorta fits in with the town which clings to the 1950s
    Mayberry scene.  Kick myself though as I didn't go downtown last
    week at all and there was a film crew there filming a PSA.  It was
    a New York company and 30 people involved and even doing crane
    shots.  Maybe you'll see it because it was a London agency that
    had them filming. The theme is "American small town."

    I like the JW's we used to get plagued by them at the TM centre
    because they considered us possessed by the devil for our pagan
    ways and would do everything in their power to convert us. One of
    the girls that came round was lovely and I used to chat her up
    for ages in the hope she was flirty fishing but she was married
    and you wouldn't believe the rules they have about that sort of

    Funny thing was her husband wasn't a JW which is odd because they
    believe there are only 7000 places in heaven and every one is
    reserved by people from the JW's, but not even all of them. I
    asked her if it was depressing being married to someone she was
    actually guaranteed to never see in the afterlife of eternal
    peace and she didn't want to discuss it.

    I like to get their mag "The Watchtower" and read it on the
    train, they often have some TB articles about creationism V's
    evolution and it's fun to pit my wits against the clever nonsense
    they publish.

    PS I was an extra in a BBC production called "Dr Foster" they
    were filming at our local medical centre at the weekend. I made a
    good passerby I think. If I make the final cut I'll post a link
    to iplayer.

I would have just been interested in watching some of the shoot not being in it. Local news story on the shoot:

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