Another skeptic of the project is none other than respected physicist Stephen 
Hawking who has recently warned the end of the world could be sparked by the 
elusive ‘God particle’  

 ..scientists at the Large Hadron Collider next week are hoping to experiment 
with a possible connection with a parallel universe outside of our own. 
 Pope Francis adds: “My fellow Christians, we are living in desperate times” he 
told the crowd.“Science is about to test the limits of God and his creation. 
God has created boundaries between the world of the living and the world of the 
dead. Are these scientists about to unleash upon us the Gates of Hell?” he 
asked his followers, visibly shaken. 

 Last October, over 400 top physicists signed a petition warning that the Higgs 
potential might become unstable at energies above 100bn giga-electron-volts 
(GeV) and asking governments to keep experiments under these levels.

 Yes, just say “no” to energies above 100bn giga-electron-volts (GeV) for now,
 without adequate safeguard for our world in place.
 Yes, Scientists should not be allowed to fool around out in the World with 
Mother Nature without adequate spiritual oversight.


 -Buck, an ever evolving old and practicing conservative transcendentalist 
meditator in the spiritual community of meditating Fairfield, Iowa.
 "There is more to the world than what we see or think.." 


 jr_esq writes:

 My first reaction is that the Pope appears to be an ignoramus when it comes to 
scientific research.  But it doesn't hurt to be concerned about significant 
experiments that may have negative consequences.  The reference to "opening the 
gates of hell" may have been used as hyperbole to catch media attention.


salyavin808 writes: 

It might surprise some people but anyone who wants to do a major physics 
experiment like the LHC, first has to apply for permission to the countries 
involved and provide a breakdown of costs, expectations and dangers.  

 The worst case scenario with the LHC is that it might catch fire and damage 
any buildings nearby. This is why it's underground and it has a major fire 
safety system that floods the entire thing with foam if anything goes wrong.

 As for black holes destroying the Earth, the LHC doesn't create any more 
energy than cosmic rays do when they strike the upper atmosphere, it's just 
rather difficult to study those due to not knowing where they are going to 
happen next so they do it in laboratory conditions underground instead.

 The bottom line is, they wouldn't be allowed to do something that might 
destroy the Earth.

 But maybe the pope is right and there is some level beyond which god doesn't 
want us to know.

cardemaister writes---In, hepa7@... :


 Pope Francis Warns Large Hadron Collider Could 'Open Gates of Hell'
 Pope Francis Warns Large Hadron Collider Could 'Open...
 Pope Francis pleaded the scientific community to halt operations on the Large 
Hadron Collider (LHC) this morning in an official Vatican release as scientists 
at t...

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