There nothing negative in "Robes of Silk" - the author was in love with the 
Maharishi and he may or may bt, have been in love with Judith. It's a love 
story - you are supposed to read the book BEFORE you post your comments. LoL!
 ---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 "How many TB TMers have actually read 'Robes Of Silk, Feet Of Clay?' Show of 
hands. See? Almost no one."  

---In, <> wrote :


 I remember the first time I came across a negative opinion of Marshy and TM 
and remember being really shocked. 

Non sequitur.

Without realising it I'd built it up a lot more in my mind than was really 
healthy and assumed that the One True Path was indeed just that. The idea that 
a journalist I respected could describe Marshy so unpleasantly wasn't something 
I'd considered. 

Non sequitur.

How could my choice be in error? 

Cognitive dissonance - holding two opposing ideas, both at the same time.


 It took a while to talk myself back up into it. I think at the time I was a 
fledgling and was worried about being knocked out of my tree when I'd convinced 
myself it was going to grow me all the way to infinity. It's lucky we didn't 
have the interweb in those days as by the time I'd discovered the enlightened 
pages of FFL I'd already reasoned myself out of the stupidity of True 
Believerism. And that was with the help of the TMO itself with its oddball 
beliefs and behaviour. The trick is to ask difficult questions, if a teacher 
can't answer them he doesn't deserve to be your teacher. Ironically I got that 
little gem from Marshy!

Non sequitur.


 What's needed is a realistic balance, take what you need and leave the rest. I 
think Travolta would have a hard time disconnecting himself from the Co$ after 
all these years. In fact, just thinking about it gives me great respect for 
Paul Haggis and the others in "Going Clear", to be that into something so 
powerfully controlling and get out, all the while knowing they aint gonna be 
nice about it takes real guts.

Non sequitur.





 Plus, don't forget that several TMers over the years have reported that the 
"official" policy about Fairfield Life they told by TMO representatives is that 
they shouldn't be looking at something like that because it's "negative" and 
would lower their state of consciousness. That's what a Scientologist would be 
told about reading or watching anything critical of the Co$. 


 Now in this case, given the number of times Travolta has been accused of 
groping guys he hired to give him a massage, I think we can assume that he is 
in on the whole coverup, and is a *wlling* blackmail victim because the Church 
coverup enables him to stay in the closet. *His* fame and livelihood depend on 
the Co$ keeping his secrets, too. So effectively by saying he's never seen the 
documentary, he avoids ever having to lie on the record about its claims. 


 This is essentially the same thing that the Co$ is doing on a larger scale -- 
they have scrupulously avoided dealing with ANY of the claims made in the 
documentary, focusing all their efforts on demonizing the people who made those 
claims. That is not just Scientology policy -- right out of their dogma, as 
written by LRon -- it's even legally sound because by not lying about the 
claims, they don't run the risk of being found guilty of perjury in addition to 
being found guilty of the crimes in the claims themselves. 


 This is all Cult 101, guys. Do your homework...

 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 11:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Travolta defends Scientology...
 But he hasn't seen "Going Clear"...

 John Travolta breaks silence on Scientology doc Going Clear
 John Travolta breaks silence on Scientology doc Going Cl...
 Travolta spoke out about the Scientology-bashing HBO documentary on Monday as 
he promoted his upcoming film The Forger.

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  • [FairfieldLife] Travo... salyavin808
    • Re: [FairfieldLi... TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [Fairfie... salyavin808
        • Re: [Fai... [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [Fairfie... [FairfieldLife]
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