With regard to the second question, you can go ahead and delete the update 
files in your download folder after you've run the updates.

Dunno what to say about the first question, because I buy new computers seldom 
enough that I'm always getting a newer version of Windows when I do buy one. 
But, when I wipe a system and reload Windows, there's always an assload of 
Windows updates to run.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raph...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 I am illiterate as regards modern technology (and sneakily proud of the fact - 
the way your granny affected ignorance of the Beatles!).

 Can someone answer two simple questions I have?

 Periodically, I get messages which instruct me not to turn off my laptop as 
Windows is "installing updates". So far, so simple. My query is: given that 
I've now had a significant, large number of updates on my current laptop, does 
this mean that if I were to buy a brand-new laptop I'd have to go through the 
same rigmarole of installing those very same updates all over again - or does 
the uploader up there in Cloud cuckooland simply update one kick-arse 
mega-program that includes all the revisions since Windows 7 (or what-have-you) 
was originally installed on the computer I'm buying? 

 The other question I have is this: when I get updates for other programs (Java 
say) which I download to my Download folder (duh!) and I then run the download 
program to get the update up and running, can I then delete the original 
downloaded file sitting in my Download folder as it is no longer needed - or 
would that have catastrophic consequences?

 Is that at all clear? Let me know if you need clarification!

 Thanks in advance.


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