Apparently Barry has just posted an ad hominem.

Ad hominem is the second to last resort of someone who is losing a debate and 
is unable to respond with legitimacy. The last resort (most difficult for the 
ego) is to consider that he or she might be wrong. 

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 What neither of them (Buck and WillyTheDoucheBag) 

Non sequitur.

seems to understand is that their act is straight out of the Cult Playbook, and 
so obviously so that it brands them as cultists and the organization they think 
they're protecting as a cult to anyone who is familiar with the tactic. 

You're not even making any sense. So, you worked for the TMO for 14 years and 
worked for the Rama cult for another 20 years, but Willy is the cultist? Go 


 This tactic has been written about by religious sociologists for hundreds of 
years. It's what happens when a group that has gathered around a charismatic 
figure or an outlying set of beliefs suddenly finds that neither the charisma 
nor the beliefs are working for them any more. Whereas in the early days of 
their cult they were able to rant and preach and have people actually listen to 
them (and a certain small percentage of the listeners actually want to join up 
and become part of the cult), now what happens when they rant is that people 
laugh at them. The charisma is long gone and the beliefs -- finally seen in the 
light of day without the charisma making them look more reasonable -- are seen 
by anyone listening as ludicrous. 

Non sequitur.


 The thing that cultists fear most is NOT persecution. It's NOT disbelief. It's 
being laughed at. 

Non sequitur.


 So when a cult or spiritual organization has reached the stage of its history 
in which it's being laughed at a LOT, what they do is attempt to "circle the 
wagons" and convince the few remaining cult members that they're being 
persecuted. The claim of persecution thus actually becomes a tactic to make 
people's beliefs stronger, because nothing inspires belief in the unbelievable 
like becoming convinced that someone wants to stop you from believing it. 

Non sequitur.


 In his posts this morning (my time), Buck has essentially *ADMITTED* doing 
this. He isn't *really* concerned that people are "persecuting" TMers on this 
forum -- that's all an act, and has been since Day One of "Buck's" appearance 
on FFL. It's a fiction. It's falling back on the oldest tactic in religious 

Non sequitur.


 As Salyavin says, what sane people would do when discussing their beliefs on a 
public forum is "put their opinion forward reasonably like everyone else does 
round here and then let it stand or fall on its own merits or back it up with 
further arguments if necessary." What insane people do is stop presenting any 
arguments whatsoever and scream loudly, "They're trying to persecute me because 
of my beliefs." This ploy actually works on a few people. Stupid people. 

Non sequitur.


 Smart people see through it and lose all respect not only for the person 
attempting this tactic, but for the organization or cult in whose name it is 
being done. 



 From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 In other words, you made up this whole "Buck" act out of whole cloth so you 
could attack the people YOU wanted to attack and whine endlessly and hopefully 
make lurkers think that TMers were being somehow persecuted when they weren't. 
How evolved of you.

 Nice of you to finally admit it, however. Now everyone can ignore your silly 
ass without feeling the least bit guilty about it. 

 No wonder you're identifying with Willytex these're just like him, 
a total fiction.

The main trouble with "Bucks" fanaticism is that - like Willytex's - it isn't 
very effective in securing its aims.

 They both come across as utterly demented and it doesn't matter how many times 
it's pointed out to them they just carry on regardless thus painting the True 
Believer as an unaware obsessive. Or maybe that's the idea....

 A better approach would surely be to put your opinion forward reasonably like 
everyone else does round here and then let it stand or fall on its own merits 
or back it up with further arguments if necessary. It's not complicated.
 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 4:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: List Culture and The FFL Post Count
   Back sometime ago when Marek was with us, by his example I advertized then 
that the FFL list to be more complete as a communal discussion group of 
substantial material should need a 'public defender' of the TB-faithful to 
present the TB-TM thought here during periods when it was not represented by 
TB'ers themselves.    


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 That was for the community here. No one came forward so that was when the 
voice of Buck arrived, a practical old experienced voice of transcendentalism 
to push skeptics and apostates back alike who had then rolled over the FFL 
community as like the fanatical fundamentalism of IS has swept over whole areas 
of Syria. 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 A push back, a kind counter-offensive evidently was in order for all the 
damage being rendered in the reduced scope of communal discussion on our FFL 
community by a character of intolerant writers cutting good people down at 
their knees by employing a methodical crossfire of unkind personal invective as 
weapon against both the TM-TB's and the experiential-based transcendentalist 
members then present on the list.   

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 This larger thread is a larger search for better diversity of thought here on 
Rick's FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. Anartaxius, whoever you are, in your 
spock-like unfeeling way for this point you go ahead and condone the unkind 
culture of the snark here because you practice it. Lot like that article Geezer 
posted recently about how people can be led into their [cult] beliefs given 
over to a control by their beliefs if they first are led to act on them.. Seems 
you've been led far down a low path here with some others, possibly so far out 
of the light to see your way back up very clearly. An evident consequence of 
this is that the whole communal discussion here suffers for your plight. As 
they say, change happens within, hopefully you and others can make some way in 
your vile meanness for kindness and we may all be better off here. That might 
take some courage on your part to change. -JaiGuruYou 

---In, <richard@...> wrote :

 It looks like somebody posted a false analogy.

According to what I've read, a false analogy is a rhetorical fallacy that uses 
an analogy (comparing objects or ideas with similar characteristics) to support 
an argument, but the conclusion made by it is not supported by the analogy due 
to the differences between the two objects.

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 I think, Buck, what you call collaboration is a situation where everyone 
agrees with you. 

 ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 I have no problem with considering divergent opinion. I am quite happy reading 
it here, as Rick had originally intended. But I do brace at the ruinous hurtful 
way you and others presenting here have on the discussions here.

Buck, you need to realize that we are dealing with people who think they can 
win a religious debate by spreading a rumor that you are a drunkard. Although 
you may have given up that kind of childish bullying in grade school, some have 
not risen to that level of discourse or social skills. 
 ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Collaboration? Could many folks dare at all to publicly disagree here on FFL 
anymore given the lack of self-restraint in the culture that remains on FFL? 
What is mostly missing now from the dominant FFL writing is a kindness to 
process, a love enough of collaboration that seems necessary enough for there 
to be creative thinking between people. Instead what we have is a culture of 
rudeness that has long interrupted the communal thinking here and driven people 




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