An evolving progression of consequence in modern mobility and communications is 
that the seemingly bad blood of the South is getting diluted out by diversity 
and time. The younger generations seem more tolerant than their elders of other 
races, creeds, gender complexities etc. Let there be peace.  

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 If you're old enough to be a re-enactor, then you were probably old enough to 
support your self and possibly a family. Money for such hobbies was not as 
plentiful for most middle class people before the sixties and seventies. The 
historical interest was not rekindled until the centennial and in time, and 
with more prosperity, people with such interests could indulge in such 
foolishness as playing *soldier* with the big boys on weekends. My mother made 
it a point to teach me about the exploits of my Great Grandfather, 1st Lt. 
William Aaron Underwood and the 22nd Mississippi infantry,company E, known as 
the Liberty Guard of Liberty Mississippi. From his first battle at Shiloh, 
where his left thumb was shot off. He also marched from Lookout Mountain in the 
snow ,bare feet wrapped in gunny sacks, living on two handfuls of corn a day. 
Was wounded behind enemy lines while leading a charge at the battle of Peach 
Tree Creek, northwest of Atlanta. Left to die, was rescued by a fellow mason, 
who happened to be a Yankee officer and taken prisoner and sent to Johnson 
Island on Lake Erie where he nearly starved and froze to death that winter. The 
Southern soldier was ill-equipped, under fed and had to fight from a defensive 
position, a war of aggression but they gave it their *all*.That is why we have 
Confederate Heroes day.
 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:46 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Epigenetic Ancestral Stress Yee Haaa!
 Is interesting that American civil war reenacting did not really become much 
of a hobby before the late 1960's or in to the 1970's. Culturally its seems 
that it proly could not have happened as the Am. Civil War was generation-ly 
still too close in time and too raw up to that time for some people's figuring 
out their familial transference of their own ancestral causing or fighting of 
the civil war. It is still rough for some. 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 I heard it explained once in reference to the long history of central Europe 
that it takes seven generations to clear from lands a bad blood of violence 
between peoples. 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I know,I grew up with it. As one guy who was being asked about the Redneck 
Shop in the town where I grew up, Laurens, SC said: 


 "I thank the South was right back then (referring to the Civil War) and I 
thank the South is right now today."

 In case anyone wonders what the Redneck Shop was, here is the Wikipedia entry. 
Too bizarre, especially when you consider the ownership deal:

 Redneck Shop

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


 The Redneck Shop was a white nationalism and neo-Nazi clothing store in Laurens, South 
Carolina,_South_Carolina, which sold 
T-shirts, bumper stickers, and Ku Klux Klan robes, among other things.

 The building also featured a "Klan Museum" in a back room. It was decorated 
with posters of President Warren G. Harding, whom some allege was a Klan 
member, though many historians refute this.[1][2]

 Building ownership


 The shop was located in a downtown Laurens building that formerly housed the 
Echo Theater. The building is currently owned by the Rev. David Kennedy, a 
black civil rights leader and 
Baptist pastor. The shop has acquired a great deal of publicity due to this 
unusual arrangement.[3]

 The building was formerly owned by Michael Burden, who was himself a Grand 
Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan. However, Burden found himself impoverished after leaving the KKK. 


 Burden then approached Kennedy and apologized for his racist past, agreeing to 
sell Kennedy the deed to the Redneck Shop with the provision that Burden would 
be allowed to run the shop until his death. Kennedy accepted the deal.[4][3]

 In 1996, a white man from West Columbia, South Carolina,_South_Carolina, drove his van into 
the Redneck Shop as a protest against the store's racism. Kennedy said that he 
later told the man that, while he obviously does not agree with Howard's views, 
he does not feel that violence is an appropriate response.[4][5]
 As a meeting place for white supremacists In addition to selling merchandise, 
the Redneck Shop had also been used as a meeting place for white supremacists; 
in 2006, it was the headquarters for the Aryan Nations' World Congress. Also, in 2008, 
neo-Nazi John Taylor Bowles
 utilized the building as the headquarters for his 2008 presidential 

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yee Haaa!

MJ, yours is a fair and perceptive comment
down at the bottom on this, yep I know the problem. I traveled,
camped, and rode cavalry along with secessionists for years in civil
war re-enactments and heard all their states rights stuff to justify
enslaving people. Was like going to Klan recruitment meetings
throughout the hobby for some groups within the hobby. 
It is particularly bad at
re-enactments hosted more in the South and border States. Sometimes
they have troubles fielding a convincing re-enactment for lack of
people who will turn out as Union re-enactors.  It can be really
rough wearing blue even just for re-enactment. Up North re-enactors frequently 
volunteer to
change costume/sides to balance things and help make an event happen. Folks are 
much more likely to get in to the heads of what was going
on in re-enactments that happen closer to the North because hobbyists
experiment more willingly with being in the shoes of either sides. 
It is just plain more nutty with re-enacting down South. That kind of
follows State lines of demographic educational standards as to how
nutty people can be about the lost cause.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

"What, closing our
civil government offices for some not understanding the constitution and
rebelling against their country?"

Yep that's what we do around here.

"Just forgive their
ancestors for their ignorance and poor judgment about the larger progressive
flow of equal rights for all in nature of this larger country."

You speak in ignorance of the collective vibe around here. There are still 
people who think that the secession was a damn good idea and that folk like 
Stonewall were patriots, Southern patriots.

More to the point, the politicians are scared to death of ending such 
anachronisms for fear of incurring the wrath of ignorant red neck voters.

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:31 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yee Haaa!

What, closing our civil
government offices for some not understanding the constitution and
rebelling against their country? Some people suffering from familial
epigenetic inheritance stress should just work at forgiving their
relations for making past mistakes in judgment . 
>> Folks now do not
 have to be responsible for their ancestors poor lives. Just forgive
their ancestors for their ignorance and poor judgment about the
larger progressive flow of equal rights for all in nature of this
larger country. Jai Abraham Lincoln, LBJ and the civil rights voting
laws of the 1960's and the larger dharma of these United States. 
>---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :
>State Offices Here Closed for Confederate Memorial Day
>COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - State offices across South Carolina are closing for 
>Confederate Memorial Day.
 holiday itself was Sunday, marking 152 years since Southern Gen.
Stonewall Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson died after he was accidentally
wounded by his own troops.
>But since May 10 was on a Sunday, the holiday for state workers is on Monday 
>this year.
>Several other states in the South also have official holidays to honor the 
>Confederacy, although the dates vary.




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