Well, the spousal unit and I are hooked after 1 episode.  Hopefully this will 
be a good ride.  We've had pretty good luck with the Netflix created series and 
some of the Amazon ones as well.  I've been burned before, but even their bad 
stuff is better than most network and cable offerings.

On the subject of folks downloading stuff from Netflix I offer this article:  
Bell Media president says using VPNs to skirt copyright rules is stealing 
 Bell Media president says using VPNs to skirt copyrigh... 
 Watching U.S. Netflix in Canada by using location-hiding services such as VPNs 
is stealing and needs to be more frowned upon, the new president of Be...
 View on www.cbc.ca 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Basically the kid of the head of a Canadian cable company can't get her content 
without circumventing ridiculous border restrictions created by lawyers in 

Also, I think many of the folks who are torrenting stuff from Netflix is for 
the masses who would love to get but it's not available in their country yet.  
Places like Australia are getting a hugely pared down version of the catalog 
that Americans have access too.

There is also that group of folks that just refuse to pay for it period..

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