But wouldn't that make them fucking fuckers also?
      From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2015 2:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fuck the Fucking Fuckers!
    Great slogan huh?
It was on a banner at the anti-capitalist march I went on in London yesterday. 
What a super day, so good to be amongst like-minded people all of all ages, 
races and creeds. United against a common enemy, a government that has waged a 
class war on the poor. 
And we did it peacefully, without setting fire to a single bank or police 
station! So much better to defeat an enemy by words, if you don't give them the 
excuse to get the truncheons out they have to open a dialogue with you or stick 
their hands in their ears and pretend you don't exist somehow.
We assembled at the Bank of England and listened to various rabble rousers 
demanding revolution and then we marched - all 250,000 of us - all the way to 
Parliament square, past Downing street, past the shoppers on the Starnd, past 
the queues for the theatres, past the hordes of tourists in Trafalgar square, 
finally packing the Mall up to the Cenotaph and the bridges by Westminster and 
even overflowing into St James' park.
What an atmosphere! Music, dancing, cheering at the speakers like Caroline 
Lucas, who was amazing, a true firebrand. Russel Brand had a go too but I 
missed that, I was too busy tapping my walking stick at an impromptu rave 
someone had started outside the Ministry of Defence. There was a real sense of 
community all day that reminded me that there are others that care about the 
downtrodden, others that want to change the miserable world we live in, to 
challenge the authorities that shape our lives and make decisions we have no 
say in even though we didn't know what they would be like when they conned 
their way into power.
And if the slow class is in today, I chose the post title because you can paint 
a sign ten foot wide and carry it all the way through London on Saturday 
afternoon and everyone just laughs. But I wouldn't try it here if I was you....

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