Looks like some of the voting maps of Iowa except for 2008 when a lot of the state maps would look blue because people were sick of Bush. I visited Fairfield once in the late 1990s. It reminded me of eastern Washington. In the 1980s I lived back home in eastern Washington. Nobody made a big deal about politics and many didn't like Reagan. I played more jazz around there than I did in the late 1970s in Seattle.

Of course, I should speak, as I live in one of the bluest regions of the country: the San Francisco Bay Area.

On 12/20/2015 08:41 PM, emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Love the landscape. But, I know nothing about farming or feed stores. :) I could probably make it work weather-wise. I would miss the good coffee houses. It might be a little too politically one-sided for me. :)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

You could probably afford to live in eastern Washington too. It's about the same but would you really want to live there?

On 12/20/2015 05:53 PM, emily.mae50@... <mailto:emily.mae50@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    My goodness.  I could afford to live in Fairfield.

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <awoelflebater@...>
    <mailto:awoelflebater@...> wrote :

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> <mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> <mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

    I have never before seen the claim that the ME will not work in a
    community of under 10,000.

    I imagine it's one of those things that got invented on the spot
    to explain why things don't work. See also, too much stress in
    collective consciousness etc. Bit embarrassing for them that it's
    been made public.

    That's actually pretty odd, since Fairfield itself numbers only
    about 9,500 people, which would mean that the ME has zero effect
    here, but is able, so to speak, to jump over Fairfield and affect
    other places in Iowa. That's one weird-acting ME!

    Is FF really that small? You must know everyone in town!! Must be
    a friendly place too, unless you're sick of the sight of each
    other and spend all day hiding. My friends who have lived there
    say it's weird being so far from other towns compared to the UK
    where you can't walk for an hour without passing through several

    More data: http://www.city-data.com/city/Fairfield-Iowa.html

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> <mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <dhamiltony2k5@...>
    <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

    Reading through that all I'm down fine enough with the rebuttals
    further below. Sorry Sal you're so disgruntled with your experience.

     Best Regards from Fairfield, Iowa

    Thanks, I always enjoy best regards as opposed to the abuse I
    often get from our fellow forum members but what puzzles me is
    what experience it is that you are sympathising with me for?

    If it's my experience in meditation then there's no need because
    I get the same wild, breaking-on-through trips that everyone else
    does. There wouldn't be much point doing it otherwise. I expect
    it's the fact I'm not totally "on message" about the Marshy
    Effect as you are, but as I try to point out in my post there
    isn't any reason to be enthusiastic about it at all so I don;t
    feel the need to help them with their advertorial. I'd hope at
    least that came across.

    What did you think of the /Deux ex Machina /I highlighted? Ever
    come across such a pathetic excuse for why independent research
    didn't replicate the results of the claim? "Sorry you couldn't
    achieve social harmony in your test of our technology, even
    though we told you what to do we must have omitted to mention the
    one illogical thing that makes your experiment pointless" And it
    makes no sense that the ME should only work on

    big groups does it?

    This is what I mean by scientific filters, or controls as they
    are also called. I did start writing an extra paragraph there but
    abandoned it as it would have made the post too long and I
    thought I'd c! overed the main points. Those being is that
    science is about gathering data to support a hypothesis and that
    process has to be carried out in a particular way, and it has to
    be consistent. Apart from the fact a lot of the complainants
    accusations make a mockery of the usual standards by which social
    monitoring is carried out - a fact not convincingly explained by
    OJ - means it's a lot less likely that their conclusions can be

    Most science is actually done in someone's head long before it
    gets near a lab, whether that lab is a particle accelerator a
    test tube or a war zone, there's a set of questions you have to
    ask yourself to make sure that you aren't fooling yourself. These
    questions will vary according to what you are proposing but
    basically follow a similar path. Is there a signal to be heard or
    is it random noise? Am I sure the data doesn't have a simpler
    explanation or one that someone hasn't already covered? Is there
    any data present that contradicts my hypothesis? Is it possible
    for people to replicate? Is my idea the best - simplest - way of
    explaining any data gathered? Am I just kidding myself?

    You get the general idea. I have many interests that the
    mainstream passes over like evidence of bicameralism in early
    human self-representation, it would be easy just to look for data
    that confirms that and ignore the rest but what would be the
    point? I'd be the only one I'm fooling so I keep my eyes open for
    contradictory information.

    When I read Marshy Effect research it makes me wonder whether the
    scientists involved are asking themselves similar control
    questions before they even start becaus! e if they have to invent
    /Deux ex Machina /as howlingly embarrassing and illogical as the
    one they passed on to the poor guy who had actually /gone out of
    his way to try and replicate their claims/, then they aren't
    doing science properly at all. (Please note there was no attempt
    to explain this in OJ's rebuttal)

    You may say that it's a small point but it's pivotal to the way
    they do things. The goalposts constantly shift and failures - the
    yagya programme for instance - are ignored. You probably think
    I'm just getting at you lot for no reason but I'm not, I'm trying
    to show that science is a process trying to work out what is from
    what isn't and I rather suspect that people round here cheer it
    on when it supports what they want to believe and dismiss it as
    irrelevant, when it doesn't.

    But it gladdens my heart that everyone nowadays sees it as the
    standard they have to reach for intellectual acceptance, every
    New Age hopeful has to get a "quantum" in there somewhere.
    Trouble is you have to accept the conclusions when they don't
    support your ideas and move on to something else but there's so
    much money in keeping people believing in the dream that the TMO
    can't afford to do any serious research into the ME or yagya's
    because they probably know by now that it isn't working.

    But why would intelligent and well decorated scientists not apply
    any of the usual rigour to their work? It's that there are
    stronger forces at work in people than merely needing to check
    theories, especially to people who have been involved in strong
    cults. Larry Domash raised the point with Marshy that we
    shouldn't talk about the un! ified field as we don't know
    anything about it yet - this was before the SU5 experiments that
    debunked it - and Marshy apparently banged the table and shouted
    "We are the masters in this field!".

    So that's my explanation for the blinkered and poor quality
    research, you are either on the bus or you are off it. Domash and
    the others decided to stay on the bus and were henceforth
    duty-bound to believe and actively campaign for Marshy's
    teachings. They have blinded themselves to the possibility they
    are wrong because they believe utterly in Marshy's worldview of
    consciousness as some sort of field that can spread peace. That's
    how they can fail to ask themselves difficult questions and
    invent dubious excuses to fellow researchers trying to check
    their results.

    Funny how ironically that mirrors the English enlightenment with
    Isaac Newton and how the development of the modern scientific
    method broke free of religious interference by setting up the
    principles of free inquiry without anyone with a beard or funny
    hat telling what to think before you've even looked. They made
    dramatic gains in knowledge the minute they got away from
    revealed wisdom whereas the TMO scientists remain in their own
    ever decreasing circles trying to justify it!

    But thanks for reading anyway Buck, even if I haven't reached you
    yet ;-) But I reiterate, it's not about my experience, it's about
    /explaining/ experience.

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